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Re: liquid amber...

Posted: January 17th, 2013, 8:39 pm
by Boics
Definitely looking much much better.
Well done on the progress.

Still think some of the branch selection and styling could be improved but it's certainly going in the right direction.


Re: liquid amber...

Posted: January 17th, 2013, 8:47 pm
by Qitianlong
Thanks Boics!
with the pics provided is there enough for you to suggest which branches/styling?

Re: liquid amber...

Posted: January 17th, 2013, 8:48 pm
by kcpoole
Nice tree :yes:
@ boics I think you are correct, I think that cutting them back and then letting them regrow will get them to improve ramification and taper.


Re: liquid amber...

Posted: January 17th, 2013, 8:58 pm
by kcpoole
Hi there
A few comments
The Area in Red? Whats going on here? Looks like branching going up down and round the back?
The ones in Blue, are heading from the trunk up at and angle. the need to be the same shape and style as all branches
The roots in pink need to go i think. In fact I would consider layering ti above the current ones to get a nice radial root spread.

I have also taken the top off to remove the long straight section there. The tree does not need that extra height.


Re: liquid amber...

Posted: January 17th, 2013, 9:02 pm
by Boics
LOL. Ken got in just before me!

Gday Qit.

I'm glad Ken is here as I would ask for some of his assistance in this reply anyway.
To be honest I don't own a LA and cannot really comment on what to expect from cut backs, backbudding and re-growth.
If Ken suggests that it will branch back and better ramify then this is exactly what I was thinking for some of your LA branches.

See this link here: ... 1028-1.jpg

Regardless of the fact they are immature this is the basic image that i have when I think LA.

IMO your tree is getting a fraction leggy in places and the areas circled in red in particular stand out a little.
If I were to continue on the constructive path I actually wonder whether there may be a better "front"?
Some of the branches are "eye" pokers I see that are bent to the side.

Only being constructive mate..
Just some food for thought and remember that I am but a newbie myself really.
Being tinkering Bonsai for some 20 odd years but only hard at it again for a couple now.
End disclaimer.


Re: liquid amber...

Posted: January 17th, 2013, 9:26 pm
by Qitianlong
Thanks Boics and Ken!

Yeah that red area is a bit weird... my simple idea at the moment is to have a nice full canopy for autumn, apart from that I haven't planned too far ahead.
I've been thinking about the roots, and whether they look cool or crappy... planning reworking the roots in winter, maybe seeing what lies beneath the current set, and then using those instead?
It sucks how those branches in blue are thicker than the ones below... just don't want to leave a massive bare patch there if I chop em...
It is rather leggy, but initially that's what I liked about it, that it had these long curvy branches heading off the pot... but you know what my wife says when she walks past it??
She says it looks like a 'shrub'... ouch. :o

Re: liquid amber...

Posted: January 17th, 2013, 10:39 pm
by Guy
those messy roots need to be dealt with at next repot----reckon I'd reduce the overall canopy now --but not fully defoliate--then let it grow on until next spring

Re: liquid amber...

Posted: January 18th, 2013, 8:01 pm
by kcpoole
The larger branches can be kept in check by cutting them back and leaving the smaller ones to extend.
Important thing is get the wire on them all to put them in place so they are all the same style and shape. Control the growth of the bigger ones and let the samller catch up.
Now will be a good time for the chop if you need


Re: liquid amber...

Posted: January 18th, 2013, 8:55 pm
by Qitianlong
Thanks Guy and Ken.

Yes, those roots... I've got to get my head clear about exposed roots, and what looks good and what doesn't.

Re: the thicker branches, so I'll defoliate them now and wire them down, and let the lower branches grow...

Is there any hope for this tree at all??!!!

Re: liquid amber...

Posted: January 18th, 2013, 9:51 pm
by Jag01
Just a note on Liquid ambers and budding back.

Most liquid Ambers will carying "blind buds" on the trunk, it is relatively easy to force they blind buds to "pop" a new shoot. This can be a very useful tool when confronted with heavy branches in the upper parts of a tree, or totally re-designing a tree and developing branches where they are needed.

I wish I had a close up picture as a sample, however if you look closely at the trunk you should be able to relatively easily identify the blind buds, I guess my simplest description would be to describe them as a blind pimple, a very small raised lump on otherwise smooth bark. By placing a small cut horizontally just above the "bump" ( i have used my thumbnail in the past, the cut only needs to be no more than 6mm long ) this will cause the bud to swell and pop and new shoot.

I have used this technique in the past to completely replace every branch on a tree.



Re: liquid amber...

Posted: January 19th, 2013, 9:08 am
by Josh
Hi Quit, To help explain the branch structure placement I found some photos on the net.
liquid amber 2.jpg
liquid amber 3.jpg
liquid amber.jpg
Also the branches start thick near the trunk and get finer as they get further out. I hope this helps with understanding branch structure and placement.


Re: liquid amber...

Posted: January 19th, 2013, 4:51 pm
by Qitianlong
Hi Jag01 and Josh!

Thanks for your comments and suggestions!

I'll take some close-ups of the trunk and post them, to see if there are any suitable buds there.

Regarding the branching, I see what you mean with your examples, and how my tree looks all over the place. With the few LA that I have I guess I've been inspired by Ray's (nesci), the hollowed out trunk one on your way in on the right, with the branches curving around to the front and out. Geez I love that tree, but I can see how that works on his, but on this kinda formal upright tree it looks a little strange and disorganised. I'm gradually gaining more confidence to cut back harder and work the tree more, but I really need to take it into a clinic somewhere and have it worked on by someone who knows what their doing, and I can observe. If only I could attend the school of bonsai beginners classes this year... but they're on Thursdays and I work 8am-8pm.

Thanks again for all your comments... have a lot to think about with this tree... branch cutters in hand...

Re: liquid amber...

Posted: January 19th, 2013, 6:20 pm
by Josh
Qitianlong wrote:Hi Jag01 and Josh!

Thanks for your comments and suggestions!

I'll take some close-ups of the trunk and post them, to see if there are any suitable buds there.

Regarding the branching, I see what you mean with your examples, and how my tree looks all over the place. With the few LA that I have I guess I've been inspired by Ray's (nesci), the hollowed out trunk one on your way in on the right, with the branches curving around to the front and out. Geez I love that tree, but I can see how that works on his, but on this kinda formal upright tree it looks a little strange and disorganised. I'm gradually gaining more confidence to cut back harder and work the tree more, but I really need to take it into a clinic somewhere and have it worked on by someone who knows what their doing, and I can observe. If only I could attend the school of bonsai beginners classes this year... but they're on Thursdays and I work 8am-8pm.

Thanks again for all your comments... have a lot to think about with this tree... branch cutters in hand...
I would take the tree into Ray or to Leong at bonsai south, great blokes and willing to share.


Re: liquid amber...

Posted: February 17th, 2014, 7:54 am
by Qitianlong
Update, was very brave and removed a couple of branches...
Feb 2014 4 (887x1024).jpg
Feb 2014 3 (840x1024).jpg

Re: liquid amber...

Posted: February 17th, 2014, 7:57 am
by Qitianlong
next re - pot I'll tackle the roots, get rid of all the exposed aerial roots