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From little things big things grow. Gleditsia- Honey Locust.

Posted: December 27th, 2018, 7:37 am
by MJL
Howdy. I was just at the clothes line and noticed a little seedling had popped up. It reminded me that I had collected a few of these in the past few years.

The Neighbour’s tree.
The seedling
And some from years past.
I am not sure if they are good Bonsai but try I will.

Bonsai teaches me patience.

Re: From little things big things grow. Gleditsia- Honey Locust.

Posted: December 27th, 2018, 1:03 pm
by Raging Bull
The foliage looks very similar to poincianas and leopard trees, so you probably won't be able to reduce the size of those compound leaves. I've got both poincianas and leopard trees and decided just to live with the foliage as it is and make the best of shaping the trunks and nebari. Having said that, I am keeping a couple to a very small size in the hope the leaves will also stay small. Don't mean to hijacck your thread, but here are a couple of pics of my shohin sized leopard trees.
Cheers, Frank.

Re: From little things big things grow. Gleditsia- Honey Locust.

Posted: December 27th, 2018, 6:56 pm
by shibui
To reduce the size of large compound leaves just snip between the leaflets. I do this on wisteria and ash and the trees look far better.