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A twisty old pine

Posted: July 31st, 2016, 5:25 pm
by kez
Hey folks,

I picked this pine up yesterday and spent the day working on it
IMG_4846 (1024x683).jpg
This tree has at some point been styled as there are the signs of wire and prior shaping but it looks to have been left to grow out for a number of years. At a guess going by the bark I would estimate at least 20 years old, maybe 30
IMG_4847 (1024x683).jpg
It has some beautiful movement in the trunk and the branches are there to lay out a good initial structure, here it is after thinning out and branch selection
IMG_4849 (1024x683).jpg
And the final result (sorry for the pic quality, was losing light rapidly)
IMG_4858 (1024x683).jpg
Still some very long needles but I am not a fan of cutting to length, it always leaves ugly tips and the needles will begin to reduce with the coming spring/summer work so not to worry.

All in all a fairly simple tree to style, but I think a very nice outcome, and it will rapidly improve

Hope you all enjoy,


Re: A twisty old pine

Posted: July 31st, 2016, 9:05 pm
by boom64
HI Kerrin, Some great movement in that trunk. Have often enjoyed your Pine posts. I have had a J.B.P. for a few years, poor thing has been kind of worked on every now and then. Seeing as you are just up the road I think I will follow your lead and ATTACK. Good luck with Twisty and thanks for the inspiration. Cheers John.

Re: A twisty old pine

Posted: July 31st, 2016, 10:45 pm
by bonsaisensation
Hi kerrin
Great movement in the trunk.
I reckon if you tilt the tree slightly either to the right or left, the sense of movement will be a lot more dynamic. As of now, the twist is visually cancelled out by the very skinny "vertical volume"( the apex is right on top of the root and all that twist and bend of the trunk is within, from the photo, about 8-10 cm from the outermost left to the outermost right. Whereas if tilted, the apex will be away from the root and extend the " vertical volume" which will make the movement "pop".

Food for thought...........



Re: A twisty old pine

Posted: August 1st, 2016, 6:18 am
by kez
Thanks for the feedback folks,


I know what you mean, and I tried at first before styling to find an angle which maximised the movement but I felt like each time I changed the angle the trunk line lost it's way a bit. I think this is due to the initial movement to the right and then back to the left, no angle I could find made this flow, where as a more upright trunk seemed to work. I did lean it over to the right a little in the final shot and this is how I will pot I think



Re: A twisty old pine

Posted: August 1st, 2016, 11:58 am
by kvan64
Great wiring. Will look good with a suitable pot.

Re: A twisty old pine

Posted: March 29th, 2017, 6:27 pm
by kez
well after a candle cut in december this one got a clean out and went into a pot. I am not sure if it is the final pot, but it was the right size and I had it on hand so I thought it worth using in order to start this trees next phase

On a side note I was happy to find some nice nebari as far as pines go hiding under the soil
IMG_5728 (1280x853).jpg
Anyway this one still has a few years until its show ready but it should turn a few heads in time



Re: A twisty old pine

Posted: March 29th, 2017, 6:55 pm
by bodhidharma
I like it, it will be a great "classic" JBP in a few years :cool:

Re: A twisty old pine

Posted: March 29th, 2017, 7:44 pm
by The Surgeon

The potted pic versus the previous pic posted shows a good inch more trunk. It's amazing how such a relatively small amount of trunk in view can change the overall balance of the tree. In my opinion, you have a brilliant tree here.

As for the pot, I actually quite like it. The size is nigh on perfect. Well done and congratulations.

Re: A twisty old pine

Posted: March 30th, 2017, 7:26 am
by Hal
Love your work Kez. Probably consider an oval or round pot as the tree ages but overall I like it.


Re: A twisty old pine

Posted: March 30th, 2017, 7:27 am
by Matthew
bodhidharma wrote:I like it, it will be a great "classic" JBP in a few years :cool:
Totally agree with Bodhi, I like it and it will shine in a few years time :D

Re: A twisty old pine

Posted: March 30th, 2017, 8:58 am
by Piscineidiot
It's looking good, Kerrin. Glad to see you're still torturing trees.

Re: A twisty old pine

Posted: March 30th, 2017, 9:44 am
by treeman

Re: A twisty old pine

Posted: March 31st, 2017, 2:44 pm
by GavinG
Show and tell at the meeting tomorrow please Kerrin.


Re: A twisty old pine

Posted: March 31st, 2017, 4:15 pm
by kez
Haha, don't wanna brake the rules 2 meetings in a row, and I believe it's maples tomorrow ;)

At any rate I can't make tomorrow as I am working but I can bring this one along next month if you like Gavin

Re: A twisty old pine

Posted: March 31st, 2017, 5:35 pm
by arpitkakkar1
Very nice tree, but how you grow it would you keep it in plant growth chamber? Because it requires some special environment to grow?