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I think it's a Mel, but which one?

Posted: February 15th, 2017, 8:26 pm
by Starfox
Hey all, due to my lack of labeling I have a number of these guys growing in nursery pots but not sure what it is exactly. They are a little under a year old.

I planted 3 types of Mels alternifolia/incana/styphelioides but this was the only one that made it through wind damage at one point. Looking at images online I am leaning towards styphelioides but there is enough variation to cause doubt.
The only other thing it could be is Leptospermum but I though they were lost in wind.

Any ideas?



Re: I think it's a Mel, but which one?

Posted: February 15th, 2017, 8:47 pm
by Ryceman3
Mmm, not styphelioides. Leaves are the wrong shape, they look a bit soft but the real give away is that styphelioides has alternate foliage and this is opposite from your pics. Sorry, can't ID straight off, will need to ponder a bit - maybe someone who actually knows something might chime in. I'll have a think!

PS: I think the lack of alternate foliage takes Mel Alternifolia out of your mix too.

Re: I think it's a Mel, but which one?

Posted: February 15th, 2017, 9:03 pm
by Starfox
Yeah I think you are right, I was going to rule out alternifolia too.
The pics on wikipedia for incana look quite similar but not so much on google images.

Re: I think it's a Mel, but which one?

Posted: February 15th, 2017, 9:12 pm
by Starfox
Looks a lot more like this one, but I'm no expert. ... 0Q_AUICCgB

Re: I think it's a Mel, but which one?

Posted: February 16th, 2017, 11:52 am
by GavinG
I doubt that it's incase - that has finer, bluer leaves. My guess from the other side of the world would be hypericifolia, which would make it a good choice indeed. Best of luck.


Re: I think it's a Mel, but which one?

Posted: February 16th, 2017, 3:34 pm
by shibui
That does not look like any of the species you've mentioned starfox. Mel stypheloides is called prickly mel for a reason. Mel incana has fine, almost needle foliage which is quite grey colour. Mel alternifolia is the one we get Tea-tree oil from. It also has fine narrow leaves around 1mm wide.

Your picture is more similar to Mel hypericifolia though I don't think that is it. Leaves are just not quite right shape.

Re: I think it's a Mel, but which one?

Posted: February 16th, 2017, 6:22 pm
by Starfox
Thanks all for the responses. :)

I can see the similarity with hypericifolia too although I do think M. decussata looks close as well. I guess when it eventually flowers it will make it a bit easier.
Think I will re-sow the leftovers of the three packets of seeds to try and find out which one was labelled incorrectly(not that it bothers me, just curious). I'm guessing it came from the seeds my Mum brought over from Oz as I doubt the EU seller has access to many obscure Mels.

Still I like a good mystery.

Re: I think it's a Mel, but which one?

Posted: February 16th, 2017, 10:36 pm
by Max
M. decussata is pretty close me thinks :2c:

Re: I think it's a Mel, but which one?

Posted: February 17th, 2017, 9:28 am
by Pup
Try Melaleuca elliptica it has that type of foliage, the bark is very flaky as it gets older, also bares red flowers.

Just a thought. Cheers Pup

Re: I think it's a Mel, but which one?

Posted: February 17th, 2017, 2:03 pm
by Pup
Pup wrote:Try Melaleuca elliptica it has that type of foliage, the bark is very flaky as it gets older, also bares red flowers.

Just a thought. Cheers Pup
PS it could also be Mel nesophylla

Re: I think it's a Mel, but which one?

Posted: February 17th, 2017, 6:40 pm
by Starfox
Both good shouts Pup, cheers.

It has also been suggested it could be M. violacea and I found M. densa. lol, it might not even be a Mel.
Hopefully Spring/Summer it will grow a bit and become clearer.

Re: I think it's a Mel, but which one?

Posted: August 13th, 2017, 9:55 pm
by Raymond B
This looks very similar to mine:

I've been unsure as to what type it is and had a dig through the WA Flora database:

httpss:// ... =melaleuca

They don't all have photos but what I came up with is M.macronychia, but I'm not totally convinced. It looks similar to M.hypericifolia as others have suggested so maybe it depends where the tree originates, WA or eastern states.
Mine is also yet to flower, and I think that would be the main dealbreaker.
Also try these: ... =Melaleuca ... _melaleuca

They're from the NSW and VIC governments, but i couldn't find mine on there as I get stuck at flower descriptions

**EDIT** having said all that and having another look, I think your leaves are a little rounder :?

**EDIT2** the guy I got mine from just messaged me and said mine is m.violacea :)

Re: I think it's a Mel, but which one?

Posted: August 13th, 2017, 11:46 pm
by addict2bonsai
I agree with Pup
Leptospernum eliptica They grow in Midwest WA There are a few in collections in Perth

Re: I think it's a Mel, but which one?

Posted: August 14th, 2017, 12:41 pm
by Mbunro
look identical to my leptospermum rotundifolium seedlings

Re: I think it's a Mel, but which one?

Posted: August 14th, 2017, 5:07 pm
by Mbunro
This is one of the seedlings for reference...
Seeds could have been mislabeled so I'm not really sureImage

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