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(Catagory 2)Banksia integrifolia

Posted: May 31st, 2011, 11:29 am
by Petra
Species: Banksia Integrifolia
Training:2 months
Form: informal upright
Name: Petra Dirks

I bought this banksia at a local school fete in March 2011. I have reduced the size and will be trimimg the roots before placing into a training pot come spring. A bit more triming , also wireing still needs to be done first chance i get. The height of the tree ATM is 330mm and the girth of the trunk is 100mm. First 2 Pictures show tree before reducing. And 3rd picture after the chop.I have picked this side showing as my front view of the tree, although there are a couple of good front view sides. First branch on the right will be the sacrifice branch.I too will be looking forwards to its progress. I really like the flow of the main trunk.
1may bonsai.jpg
2may bonsai.jpg
3may bonsai.jpg