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Please help

Posted: October 18th, 2018, 11:06 am
by Joe.sab
Hi all,
I got these fungus on all my garden plants bonsais and training pots, i did search on the net and found they call genat fungus, and they coming because of the moisture of the soil! I got oil neem to control it but not works properly, what you guys use for these, they seems over the soil mostly,
Any advice appreciated

Re: Please help

Posted: October 18th, 2018, 12:19 pm
by terryb
Not fungus but small flies called "fungus gnats". Not sure that the adults do any harm, apart from being annoying in large numbers. The juveniles which are small maggots in the soil will eat plant roots but this is probably only an issue for small seedlings/cuttings. These are common if you have very damp potting mixes with lots of organic material. You can add more inorganic material to your soil and also let it dry out a little more to make it less attractive. Other websites indicate beneficial predators can help as well as just reducing the population with some sticky yellow traps.

Re: Please help

Posted: October 18th, 2018, 1:47 pm
by Joe.sab
terryb wrote:Not fungus but small flies called "fungus gnats". Not sure that the adults do any harm, apart from being annoying in large numbers. The juveniles which are small maggots in the soil will eat plant roots but this is probably only an issue for small seedlings/cuttings. These are common if you have very damp potting mixes with lots of organic material. You can add more inorganic material to your soil and also let it dry out a little more to make it less attractive. Other websites indicate beneficial predators can help as well as just reducing the population with some sticky yellow traps.
Thanks terryb, yes that’s what the web says as well but im looking for an treatment for this, the problem is that all this week and last week is raining and that’s what make the soil too dump, anyway thanks for the info mate,

Re: Please help

Posted: October 19th, 2018, 1:27 pm
by Joe.sab
Today tried the neem oil on all my cuttings and seedlings lats see what happens :fc: