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A few pics.

Posted: October 18th, 2011, 1:30 pm
by Andrew F
Felt like taking a few pics:

Unknown conifer group planting:


Juniper Horizontalis ''blue rug'', mondo grass, and moss:


Dwarf Bamboo:


Moss on stone: [from Oberon, NSW]


P.j fig and "too much" moss:


Lemon scented Conifer, and few different sp. of moss:



With or with out Rock????


And every Japanese person's greatest fear......................... "CATZRILLA" :palm: :palm: :palm: :palm: :palm:


Re: A few pics.

Posted: October 18th, 2011, 1:35 pm
by Sean M
I like the path, it adds a bit of scale. Apparently so does Catzrilla

Re: A few pics.

Posted: October 18th, 2011, 1:37 pm
by The Ficus Guy
Not bad. I would say no rock for that one planting. I feel like with the rock it throws off the whole size thing. It's not often that you see a rock that big compared to a tree....

Re: A few pics.

Posted: October 18th, 2011, 1:49 pm
by Andrew F
Thanks guys, i agree the rock doesnt fit in and it would be the only thing that isnt physically attached to the whole setting.

The foot path will be replaced with akadama once i find somewhere locally that stocks it. :yes:

Re: A few pics.

Posted: October 22nd, 2011, 6:20 pm
by Andrew F
Tiger grass:


'Some interesting stones found [freestyle suiseki maybe?]:



Re: A few pics.

Posted: October 22nd, 2011, 7:11 pm
by bodhidharma
Thanks for sharing VSL. It looks like you had an artistic afternoon. Good stuff.

Re: A few pics.

Posted: October 22nd, 2011, 7:25 pm
by Andrew F
bodhidharma wrote:Thanks for sharing VSL. It looks like you had an artistic afternoon. Good stuff.
No worries bodhi i have to find a few more accent plants, maybe some micro flowers to add this afternoons efforts.

Love your avatar by the way :)

Re: A few pics.

Posted: October 22nd, 2011, 7:55 pm
by alpineart
Hi Velvetsicklid , i like the pics :cool: , now can you spend some time to make yourself a plain backdrop so we can appreciate your work without the distractions in the background :shock: . Pinch a bed sheet from your wife , mother or granny , plain in colour so you works stand alone :wave: . I nicked a doona cover off the wife and it took her a week or two to realize it , :lol: so i gave her permission to go on a shopping spree to find a new one . Now she wants a new doona cover every other month :palm: .Keep them coming .

Cheers Alpineart

Re: A few pics.

Posted: October 22nd, 2011, 8:04 pm
by Andrew F
Hahahaha i thought that would be a problem, my missus would kill me if i took a doona cover out of the cupboard for anything other than changing the doona cover, i would get well beaten.

My bench is slowly getting there, so ill buy one of those bunno's bamboo back drops for better pics :)

Thanks for the kind words Ian, and all the penjing related threads, now i have a title im happy with: Freestyle Penjing/suiseki.

All we need now is a Penjing sub-forum :D

Re: A few pics.

Posted: October 23rd, 2011, 5:25 am
by alpineart
Hi Mate a small thin bamboo backdrop can confuse a digital camera .I have tried several times to use one .Cheers Apline

Re: A few pics.

Posted: October 23rd, 2011, 9:26 am
by Andrew F
alpineart wrote:Hi Mate a small thin bamboo backdrop can confuse a digital camera .I have tried several times to use one .Cheers Apline
Ahhhhh ok, the camera ive been using [Samsung 14mp point and shoot] you'll notice that the back ground in some cases is more detailed than the subject in the foreground, Samsung make awesome T.v's but their camera's aernt all that flash.

I found my old Cannon 8 mp takes a far superior shot. Thanks for the tip.

Re: A few pics.

Posted: October 27th, 2011, 5:15 pm
by Andrew F
Got bored today, going to Sydney this weekend for trees, so i played around with a few spare stones and a spare pot:


Re: A few pics.

Posted: October 27th, 2011, 5:21 pm
by lachie1998
nice drew :cool: :clap:
looks like a volcano

Re: A few pics.

Posted: October 27th, 2011, 5:31 pm
by Andrew F
Thank you Lachie, i think its actually volcanic rock of some description, look good in a planted tank too i bet :)

Re: A few pics.

Posted: September 10th, 2021, 12:05 am
by katiejohnson
Andrew F wrote: October 18th, 2011, 1:30 pm Felt like taking a few pics:

Unknown conifer group planting:


Juniper Horizontalis ''blue rug'', mondo grass, and moss:


Dwarf Bamboo:


Dwarf Bamboo: [from Oberon, NSW]


P.j fig and "too much" moss:


Lemon scented Conifer, and few different sp. of moss:



With or with out Rock????


And every Japanese person's greatest fear......................... "Dwarf Bamboo" :palm: :palm: :palm: :palm: :palm:

Thank you for this information about dwarf bamboo... I noted that