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Moreton Bay Fig dry tips and edges

Posted: July 31st, 2021, 10:46 am
by BonsaiPancake
My large Moreton Bay Fig has been showing these dry tips and edges on around 10-20% of leaves over the least month or so. Is it anything to worry about? Any kind of deficiency that I can resolve?

Thanks in advance!


Re: Moreton Bay Fig dry tips and edges

Posted: July 31st, 2021, 8:11 pm
by shibui
I don't worry about a few brown edges or tips on mine. Ficus are strong and can overcome almost anything.

Not really sure of the cause though.
Has it been too dry at some stage?
Too much water in winter can sometimes cause problems with leaves but mine usually just turn yellow and drop off.
Sunburn can also cause burnt tips and edges. A sudden move from shade to sun can do that.
Salt build up or, more rarely, fertilizer overdose can also cause burnt tips and edges. Make sure it gets regular deep watering to flush any salts and waster products out of the pot.

Not sure what else to suggest.

Re: Moreton Bay Fig dry tips and edges

Posted: July 31st, 2021, 10:17 pm
by BonsaiPancake
Thanks for the response.

Early winter I moved it to a protected area and moved it back recently due to the oddly warm weather we've had in Sydney. The nights haven't been too warm so I might have moved it too early.

Can sunburn come from a shock of less light then suddenly plenty of sun? It definitely gets way more sun in the middle of summer and didn't have these issues this past summer.

Re: Moreton Bay Fig dry tips and edges

Posted: July 31st, 2021, 10:29 pm
by Rory
Doesn't look like anything to worry about.

Any new leaves that will shoot, will grow in the stronger sun and you wont have a problem from then on.
I get occasional end burn or browning like this on my figs from time to time, but its more common when in the shade.
If they are then grown in full sun, you probably wont get problems like this after a while.

And if grown in full sun with decent watering, they are one of the hardiest trees you can grow as bonsai.
I prefer slow release fertilizer for Figs. For me they grow well and constant, rather than a huge surge from liquid fertilizer.

Occasionally I can get tiny pests that will munch on the leaves of my figs, and they leave a sort of translucent skeleton of the leaf behind. I just occasionally spray with 'Pyrethrum Long Life' which is a much stronger concentrate than normal Pyrethrum. Just don't use it on a really hot day.

Re: Moreton Bay Fig dry tips and edges

Posted: July 31st, 2021, 10:56 pm
by tgward
figs are tough----- if all else fails , defoliate

Re: Moreton Bay Fig dry tips and edges

Posted: July 31st, 2021, 11:41 pm
by shibui
Can sunburn come from a shock of less light then suddenly plenty of sun? It definitely gets way more sun in the middle of summer and didn't have these issues this past summer.
Leaves adjust slowly to the conditions. If it has been in shade for more than a few weeks the leaves will have lost almost all sun protection. Moving suddenly into sun can then cause sunburn. When they adjust slowly to increasing sun through spring the leaves develop hardiness and can eventually tolerate strong, summer sun. Sudden change does not give them the chance to adjust.
Given the additional info I'd guess sunburn to be the likely culprit here.
As tgward has said, defoliation is an option but it could still be just a little early for that now.