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Silky oak

Posted: May 14th, 2016, 2:33 pm
by EdwardH
2013 Dec front.JPG
2016 May front.png
This guy is one tough tree. It has survived floods, droughts, kids, footy's to the head and even being chewed on by one of my dogs!
The trunk between the original leader and RHS branch started to rot just after the pic in 2013 was taken. The apex powered on however the rotting never stopped, eventually leading to the entire section dieing and a hole forming just above the RHS branch. Last year I was inspecting the tree and the entire top half of the tree broke off in my hand. :o :whistle:
Necessity being the mother of new and improved bonsai designs, I wired up a branch as the new leader. This wasn't hard as there was only one to choose from :lol: rotated the tree 180 degrees making the back the new front and watched this guy power on as if nothing had happened to it.
This morning I was having a close look at it and sure enough, the heart wood beneath the hole was rotting away. I thought that this would occur as the hole would hold water in it every time it rained. So I dug out the rotten bits creating the current look. It is now a very stately 20cm tall, about half its original height.
As always, I am open to any comments on how I can improve this tree.