Melaleuca rhaphiophylla 8 by Pup

Melaleuca rhaphiophylla 8 by Pup
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Melaleuca rhaphiophylla 8 by Pup

April 6th, 2010, 12:08 pm

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by Steven » April 6th, 2010, 1:23 pm

Pup wrote:This tree was collected in October November 2000 from a park that was being returned to its original state these trees were not native to that area. I was asked if I would take them as they would be destroyed.
It was set aside for a work shop with Ernie Kuo in 2001 at the A.A.B.C. Convention in may.
It was originally another 30cms higher and had a large rhinoceros type jin at the front which has since rotted.

This tree has had a few redesigns since then it has been in training 9 years

it is 960 mms high
it is 720 mms wide

The pot is Chinese

Original topic: viewtopic.php?f=127&t=3420
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by thuynguyen001 » April 10th, 2010, 3:58 am

thank you,this is my favorite! :)

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