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Berberis styling suggestions

Posted: February 16th, 2014, 9:49 pm
by lenlen
Hi everyone,

I've just recently purchased a Berberis, I was thinking something like this… ... -16-08.jpg

( ... lours.html )

Here's what it currently looks like:
Front for now?


Side 2


Still very new to bonsai, so any thoughts/suggestions/critique would be great! Thanks :)

Re: Berberis styling suggestions

Posted: February 17th, 2014, 6:44 am
by Boics
Hello Lenlen.

If you are thinking of the two pictures you have provided you will need to bulk your tree up ASAP.

The best method of doing this is to put it in the ground and let it grow for a few seasons.

Once the tree has a thicker trunk you can work on reducing the overall mass and start to think a little more around the actual style.

The tree's you have shown are probably some 5-20 years worth of growth I'd say.
Trunks like them don't happen overnight!


Re: Berberis styling suggestions

Posted: February 18th, 2014, 12:16 pm
by GavinG
Can only agree with Boics - for thick gnarly trunks, grow it in the ground, keep it well watered and fertilised, let it grow long to thicken, cut back once a year, cut the roots at the same time and replant at a different angle. Don't worry about branching much for the first five years - they shoot back whenever you prune them hard. You might find the cuttings handy…


Re: Berberis styling suggestions

Posted: March 4th, 2014, 9:30 pm
by lenlen
Thank you for the advise Boics and GavinG, much appreciated. :)