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What Not To Post...

Posted: November 7th, 2009, 11:13 am
by FlyBri
Gday folks!

In an attempt to keep the Literati Contest Entry threads as free of clutter and chit-chat as possible, both Bretts and myself have been editing out any posts which are not directly related to the styling and/or design of each tree in question. Generally, AusBonsai allows a lot of latitude when it comes to casual banter within threads, but we wish to keep the threads within the Literati Contest absolutely on-topic, so as to make the Judges' lives a little easier, as well as to make each thread a better environment in which to learn.

We will continue to remove irrelevant/off-topic posts and remarks, but would appreciate it if everybody would make an effort to only comment in a way that is pertinent to the discussion at hand.

Below is a short list of generic off-topic posts:
Nice one! I'm jealous!!!
I can't wait to see it when it's finished!
:lol: :x :P :oops: :cry:
The comments above are merely examples of the type of post that we are wishing to avoid. Please help us out by thinking twice before posting to any of the Literati Contest Entry threads.

Thanks in advance!


Re: What Not To Post...

Posted: November 7th, 2009, 11:18 am
by Pup
Thank you on behalf of Stymie Leigh and Myself, Fly.

Cheers ;) Pup