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Re: 5 year old seedling Clerondendron Literati

Posted: December 10th, 2010, 4:47 pm
by Bretts
The tree recovered quickly as I hoped from the repot and I gave it a little trim the other day.
I finally had my needle nose pliers at home today so I used them to get more movement in the branches. I decided to remove the bottom left branch. I had been contemplating this for a while. I liked how it played with the trunk as I turned the tree but felt it was holding the design back.
I need to get some more intricacy into the design but I have twisted and turned the branches enough today. ;)

Re: 5 year old seedling Clerondendron Literati

Posted: December 30th, 2010, 3:25 pm
by Bretts
I did my best to get the display just right but the kids were tired of holding all the torches for lighting :lol: (thanks for pushing me on the final display Bodi :tounge: ) I smashed apart a rock to get an accent pot small enough for the moss and the scroll is actually a plate I bought from Target last year just for this sought of display.
The moss and bamboo incorporated in the display may be a little lush for literati :?: But at least they all go together and I like it :hooray: Isn't part of Literati about doing it different to what is expected :)
After removing the lower branch as in my last post, I would like to replace the highest branch with one even higher and more to the back to create a little more balance, drama and depth. I have a new bud emerging now for that and it should make a difference to the image before this season is out as these are fast growers.
I think the hooked root at the front of the base is a bit of a distraction and I will endeavour to fix this when it is not on display so I can bury the roots in a deeper pot.
I hope you like :)

Re: 5 year old seedling Clerondendron Literati

Posted: December 30th, 2010, 4:48 pm
by Bretts
I took some pictures of the tree in the sun showing some other sides and thought I better get another one of the front in case the torch lighting display has let me down ;)

Re: 5 year old seedling Clerondendron Literati

Posted: December 30th, 2010, 7:49 pm
by Bretts
Talking in the Gossip thread with Jarrod about apexes I figure I should show how I envisage the replacement of the highest branch with one yet higher and also towards the back a little.
If you look closely at pic 030 you will see too tiny bud growths that I have saved to choose from. Learning literati with Clero is a good idea as it is easy to keep changing your mind :tu:

Re: 5 year old seedling Clerondendron Literati

Posted: March 27th, 2011, 4:08 pm
by Bretts
A bit of an update on this one. Shoot it is hard taking nice pics against a garage door :palm: Dreaming of a studio :fc:
How is everyone else's going?

Re: 5 year old seedling Clerondendron Literati

Posted: March 29th, 2011, 7:26 pm
by Dwi
Seems like the further you go with this one, the more you take off. I reckon your first photos were showing a far better potential tree than what you've ended up with now. At the moment it looks more like a mechanical robotic arm than a tree - especially at the lower end. You have three straight sections with what look like two knuckle joints.

I don't think Clero's lend themselves too well to this style of tree - this is more in the style of a decent Juniper.

Maybe it could benefit from being re-styled into a shape more fitting to a Clerodendron. Perhaps it might also benefit from a decent amount of fertilizer - to really power it on?

Just my :2c: - for what it's worth.

Re: 5 year old seedling Clerondendron Literati

Posted: March 29th, 2011, 9:05 pm
by Bretts
:lol: :lol: :lol: Thanks for the laugh DWI. Don't hold back, just the way I like it when critiquing trees. Although I do disagree :D
This little guy is growing fine lots of nutrients and growing just as fast as I like being trimmed back every few weeks. It was suggested this species not great for literati but I and others that should Know say no problem. Leaves reduce really well and I have found it eally easy to work with.

Re: 5 year old seedling Clerondendron Literati

Posted: April 16th, 2012, 5:42 pm
by Bretts
I moved this one to it's Winter spot the other day and it missed a couple of watering's until Danica watered it for me. A couple of days later this morning I noticed a branch had defoliated itself :lost: I picked the tree up and then the rest of the leaves fell off like the seeds on a dandelion I could just blow them off :o
The freshest shoots looked fine so I figure it is not going to kill the tree but was a healthy survival reaction to drying out.
This afternoon I decided that I might as well make use of the defoliation and wire the tree.
Here is a picture from a couple of months back due for it's monthly trim.
Here it is from several angles after defoliation and wiring. Close but still not quite right :lost:

Re: 5 year old seedling Clerondendron Literati

Posted: April 16th, 2012, 7:31 pm
by Tiny trees
nice pot.............. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: 5 year old seedling Clerondendron Literati

Posted: October 18th, 2012, 11:22 pm
by Petra
Gee Brett,
what happened. :o
Looks to me like the tree has thrown its arms out, and with a caption on it as ( thats it , ive had enough of you defoliating me).
But really, im wondering how this tree looks today. How about of an update :?:

Re: 5 year old seedling Clerondendron Literati

Posted: October 20th, 2012, 9:45 am
by Bretts
Hi Petra
They are tuff buggers, It was partly defoliated again latley. This time by the frost not drought :whistle:
After Grant was having success with his in the cold I also exposed it to the cold but it didn't like that.
It has leafed out well again now but I have been busy so I will get a pic for you later.
Hope your grandson is doing well. :fc: