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Should I Defoliate Chinese Elm Before New Growth?

Posted: August 8th, 2022, 12:22 pm
by HeyLuke
Hi, my Chinese Elm is getting close to bursting bud, but it still has many leaves from last season, from green through to brown.
My question is; would removing the remaining leaves now help the tree in any way with the new season of growth that's about to pop? Or should I just leave it to get on with things itself?

Re: Should I Defoliate Chinese Elm Before New Growth?

Posted: August 8th, 2022, 12:44 pm
by Grant Bowie
In short, No. No advantage. Unnecessary and fiddly. They will drop off when they want.


Re: Should I Defoliate Chinese Elm Before New Growth?

Posted: August 8th, 2022, 12:49 pm
by terryb
You can remove the yellow and brown leaves if you wish for asethetic purposes, the tree will get rid of these itself anyway. I would leave the green leaves since the the tree is still probably getting some energy from these. You may find that once this year's new leaves have hardened, these old ones will be shed.