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Lonicera nitida

Posted: September 3rd, 2021, 6:09 pm
by Jan
These Lonicera nitida - Aurea were struck as cuttings in 1998 and have been occasionally pruned but mostly ignored in plastic pots. The cuttings have intertwined roots and a decision was made early on to let them develop this way with a view to planting them as a group, eventually. Over the years they have been "spread" using peices of charcoal as spreaders.

As it is repot time of year, and I have decided to pot anything with any potential into nicer pots, they have come off the bench and given a new direction. There are probably enough trunks to call them a "forest" but they are at least a "group" (and it has been an opportunity to use some of my collected rocks).

Unfortunatly, moving plants into better pots has made room for more cuttings to be potted on into plastic pots so I still have a stack of "starters" in the wings :( (could be a propogation addiction).
20210902_075853 Lonicera nitida.jpg
20210902_075958 Lonicera nitida.jpg

Re: Lonicera nitida

Posted: September 3rd, 2021, 6:13 pm
by MJL

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Re: Lonicera nitida

Posted: September 3rd, 2021, 7:06 pm
by Pat3222
They've come up a real treat! I might have to ignore some of my bits in plastic pots for another 20 years and hope for the best!

Re: Lonicera nitida

Posted: September 4th, 2021, 10:59 am
by melbrackstone
I suspect plenty of us suffer that propagation obsession. Nice result!

Re: Lonicera nitida

Posted: September 4th, 2021, 11:53 am
by Jan
Thanks, MJL, Pat3222 and Melbrackstone.

A fortunate accident, Pat3222, doesnt always work that way . The Universe/Mother Nature had a lot to do with the plants direction though they did get a root prune or two and a trim back (they make A LOT of growth each season) before being bunged back into their plastic pots due to lack of inspiration.

This year, with Covid, lockdowns, border restrictions and a string of cancelations in my usual persuits, AusBonsai has inspired me to use my time to try to get some of the growth/results that I see others getting with their trees when they get more that the scant attention that mine have survived on for years. I'll try not to "kill them with kindness" while i try to lift my game.

MJL, you do realise that with your Forest Comp you have turned my attention more to groups and forests (or landscapes?) ;) . I've always collected rocks that could be used in "Root over Rock" compositions and with fine enough detail to be "believable" in a bonsai (potensai) setting, creating groups and forests incorporating rocks has justified the aray that adorns the top of a retaining wall near the shadehouse :) . I'm also using more of my smaller material to try to create compositions that I will be able to lift in the future :lol: .


Re: Lonicera nitida

Posted: April 7th, 2022, 2:20 pm
by Jan
This setting has had a couple of trim ups to maintain shape and its "path" replaced as waterings erode the sand.

And yesterday...
20220406_151223 Lonicera nitida – Aurea.jpg
20220406_151305 Lonicera nitida – Aurea.jpg
Happy with it so far.

Re: Lonicera nitida

Posted: April 7th, 2022, 8:37 pm
by Raging Bull
First time I've seen this thread..wonder how I missed it before? Anyway, Iove what you've done, looks great! :tu:

Re: Lonicera nitida

Posted: April 10th, 2022, 8:18 am
by MJL
That’s looking excellent Jan. I still maintain that forests/landscapes are a great way to work with young and relatively cheap or flawed stock to produce interesting and enjoyable settings. All my entries in Rory’s NATURAL comp are group settings and they look excellent - we’ll at least in my eyes - that said, I have round maintaining them is tricky … I lost a Japanese maple first to over-watering (I think) but as a general rule, these groups of trees suck up water a a quick rate and thus I am loving natives as some seem to have and insatiable desire for water and are forgiving.

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