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Re: Excited......

Posted: February 21st, 2019, 9:26 am
by Elmer
Another A-hole who thinks biosecurity doesn't apply to them, shame we can't ship you off like was done to Johnny Depp and his dogs.

Disgusting behavior but no surprise from what I am learning in this community

Re: Excited......

Posted: February 21st, 2019, 9:53 am
by Matthew
Elmer wrote:Another A-hole who thinks biosecurity doesn't apply to them, shame we can't ship you off like was done to Johnny Depp and his dogs.

Disgusting behavior but no surprise from what I am learning in this community
WE don't know the full circumstance in which it was imported so maybe a bit harsh atm. I agree there are practices in place to prevent the spread of foreign pests/disease . Ive imported years ago and went through the whole process.One of those microcarpa figs now reside at the national collection. Was it a pain - YES, was it worth It financially Not really , would I do it again - NO .Anyway most bonsai people usually do care about the local flora

Re: Excited......

Posted: February 21st, 2019, 11:24 am
by treeman
Elmer wrote:Another A-hole who thinks biosecurity doesn't apply to them, shame we can't ship you off like was done to Johnny Depp and his dogs.

Disgusting behavior but no surprise from what I am learning in this community
There are container loads of flowers and plants (phalaenopsis) arriving here every week with no quarantine from Taiwan and other places. Some of the flowers are well known to have mites on them but obviously not considered important enough to stop importation. The scare of foreign diseases is way over blown and mainly a scam to make money. Millions upon millions of plants were imported in the 40's 50' and 60's and probably the 70's, some of which were taken straight out of the forest and packed (orchids from all over the tropical world, cacti from Mexico brought in for decades and pests and diseases emanating from them are nowhere to be seen. If you consider the success of our horticultural and agricultural sectors it's quite clear the so called problem from plant importations over the decades was very minor indeed. And let's not mention the millions of airline passengers coming in from god knows where without quarantine. In the main - apart from one or two commercially important diseases or pests the scare is bullshit.
There are already plenty of itoigawa here.

Re: Excited......

Posted: February 21st, 2019, 11:38 am
by wrcmad
Elmer wrote:Another A-hole who thinks biosecurity doesn't apply to them, shame we can't ship you off like was done to Johnny Depp and his dogs.

Disgusting behavior but no surprise from what I am learning in this community

What conclusions we like to draw when both our knowledge bank, and our ability to say “I don’t know” are lacking. I like to ask myself – is what I’m thinking actually based in any factual reality or am I filling in the blanks, judgementally?

Shakespeare famously wrote “The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.” Try starting from the assumption that you don’t know the answer. I am sure we can all remember situations where we have inadvertently created an illusion of knowledge because we didn’t want to admit to not knowing, or not knowing enough.

In regards to disgusting behaviour, a bit of self-reflection before appointing yourself judge and jury in the ignorant keyboard-warrior kangaroo court may go a long way. I don't appreciate having my character illegitimately smeared by an unknowing soapbox clown.

Re: Excited......

Posted: February 21st, 2019, 11:41 am
by wrcmad
treeman wrote:There are container loads of flowers and plants (phalaenopsis) arriving here every week with no quarantine from Taiwan and other places. Some of the flowers are well known to have mites on them but obviously not considered important enough to stop importation. The scare of foreign diseases is way over blown and mainly a scam to make money. Millions upon millions of plants were imported in the 40's 50' and 60's and probably the 70's, some of which were taken straight out of the forest and packed (orchids from all over the tropical world, cacti from Mexico brought in for decades and pests and diseases emanating from them are nowhere to be seen. If you consider the success of our horticultural and agricultural sectors it's quite clear the so called problem from plant importations over the decades was very minor indeed. And let's not mention the millions of airline passengers coming in from god knows where without quarantine. In the main - apart from one or two commercially important diseases or pests the scare is bullshit.
There are already plenty of itoigawa here.
Thanks Treeman. Refreshing. :beer:

Re: Excited......

Posted: February 21st, 2019, 2:14 pm
by Grant Bowie
We only have the current Shimpaku because two different people (in Melbourne and Sydney) brought in (smuggled) very small plants in in the late 70s.

Nothing I would do myself but we are the beneficiaries of these past acts.


Re: Excited......

Posted: February 21st, 2019, 2:55 pm
by Gerard
I was surprised to learn last week (Valentines Day) that 80% of the flowers are imported because our growers cannot cope with the demand. A huge industry and lots of $$$ involved.

Re: Excited......

Posted: February 21st, 2019, 3:04 pm
by Rory
Gerard wrote:I was surprised to learn last week (Valentines Day) that 80% of the flowers are imported because our growers cannot cope with the demand. A huge industry and lots of $$$ involved.
Probably now with all the 'dating apps', the cheaters have to buy flowers for the wife and for the mistresses. :shake:

Re: Excited......

Posted: February 21st, 2019, 3:27 pm
by TimS
Biosecurity isn't simply a money making scheme treeman. There are plenty of pests and diseases that thus far haven't arrived in Aus that are only kept out via due process. Fire Ants is a big one at the moment, as are Brown Marmorated Stink Bug from America. Not to mention the various diseases that are not yet recorded here.

Re: Excited......

Posted: February 21st, 2019, 4:00 pm
Not sure it’s not a money making exercise. The Biosecurity between states for instance. I can understand to Tassie and WA they are remote. But what is the nonsense of biosecurity from WA to other states? Agree with treeman we import flowers, fruit, vegetables all year long. Oranges from California, garlic from Mexico n China. It’s almost impossible to find Australian garlic, because we export it and we import it$$$$$$$$$. You can import if there is $$$$$ to be made. We import firemen from the States n New Zealand they bring their own equipment not all of it is clean or should I say cleaned properly. As for wrcmad we don’t have the details to be crucifying him/her. Put down your pitch forks folks they maybe hazardous to our biosecurity!
Rory really, mistresses ‘es ‘es :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Excited......

Posted: February 21st, 2019, 4:22 pm
by Beano
TimS wrote:Biosecurity isn't simply a money making scheme treeman. There are plenty of pests and diseases that thus far haven't arrived in Aus that are only kept out via due process. Fire Ants is a big one at the moment, as are Brown Marmorated Stink Bug from America. Not to mention the various diseases that are not yet recorded here.
I thought we had fire ants?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Re: Excited......

Posted: February 21st, 2019, 4:41 pm
by TimS
They have been found yes, but they are still being monitored very carefully at borders and with new shipments coming in. Trying to restrict further moment of them than actually stop them getting in now


Posted: February 21st, 2019, 5:38 pm
by Beano
When I moved to South Australia from QLD I had to get a biosecurity certificate to certify my trees were free from fire ants and electric ants. That is all they cared about. The guy at the border looked bamboozled, as though he’d never encountered people willing to show him a car boot full of trees before. He either went to make a phone call or look something up and when he came back we were allowed in.

I’d love to hear the details of the legal loophole.


Posted: February 21st, 2019, 5:41 pm
by Nate.bonsai
wrcmad wrote: Wow.

What conclusions we like to draw when both our knowledge bank, and our ability to say “I don’t know” are lacking. I like to ask myself – is what I’m thinking actually based in any factual reality or am I filling in the blanks, judgementally?

Shakespeare famously wrote “The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.” Try starting from the assumption that you don’t know the answer. I am sure we can all remember situations where we have inadvertently created an illusion of knowledge because we didn’t want to admit to not knowing, or not knowing enough.

In regards to disgusting behaviour, a bit of self-reflection before appointing yourself judge and jury in the ignorant keyboard-warrior kangaroo court may go a long way. I don't appreciate having my character illegitimately smeared by an unknowing soapbox clown.
I agree that things went decidedly down hill, but you did kind of make it sound shifty.

On a side note, I am involved in shipping and logistics and many/most imported biological products are pre-treated in some way that is considered sufficient to kill off any likely beasties e.g. cold treatment, fumigation, other chemical treatment. So, things aren’t just picked out of the ground and sent ‘au natural’.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Re: Excited......

Posted: February 21st, 2019, 9:47 pm
by Elmer
wrcmad wrote:
Elmer wrote:Another A-hole who thinks biosecurity doesn't apply to them, shame we can't ship you off like was done to Johnny Depp and his dogs.

Disgusting behavior but no surprise from what I am learning in this community

What conclusions we like to draw when both our knowledge bank, and our ability to say “I don’t know” are lacking. I like to ask myself – is what I’m thinking actually based in any factual reality or am I filling in the blanks, judgementally?

Shakespeare famously wrote “The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.” Try starting from the assumption that you don’t know the answer. I am sure we can all remember situations where we have inadvertently created an illusion of knowledge because we didn’t want to admit to not knowing, or not knowing enough.

In regards to disgusting behaviour, a bit of self-reflection before appointing yourself judge and jury in the ignorant keyboard-warrior kangaroo court may go a long way. I don't appreciate having my character illegitimately smeared by an unknowing soapbox clown.
Would you like to share these loopholes that allow you to import whatever you like without going thru appropriate quarantine channels or continue to throw abuse at those who view our nations flora and fauna with respect