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Its Nearly Plum Eating Time

Posted: December 20th, 2020, 5:43 pm
by Watto
Eating fruit from your bonsai is a treat in my opinion however I can assure you that plums off bonsai are generally very sour, but its still a thrill. As you can see in the first photo there is no need to use wire to bring the branches down, rely on the weight of the fruit. Just joking, the tree does need some serious wire and hopefully that will happen a day after leaf fall :fc:

Re: Its Nearly Plum Eating Time

Posted: December 20th, 2020, 9:47 pm
by Raging Bull
What an amazing tree the first one is, to be so healthy in such a small pot!! Well done. :tu:

Re: Its Nearly Plum Eating Time

Posted: December 22nd, 2020, 5:28 am
by tgward
both very nice-- still shape pruning too heavily on mine to have fruit but next year I'll only tip prune and see what happens-- on the first tall tree do you have plans to address (smooth)the transition at the trunk chop?

Re: Its Nearly Plum Eating Time

Posted: December 22nd, 2020, 1:14 pm
by melbrackstone
I bought some plum trees specifically for the sub tropics last year, and despite them being in pots still, one produced 6 very tasty yellow plums.

I'm now wondering if I should plant them into the ground after a cut back....not at all sure what to do with plums!

just a FYI

The one that flowered and fruited is called Dwarf Plum Gulf Gold, and the other is the pollinator for it, Gulf Ruby.

Re: Its Nearly Plum Eating Time

Posted: December 22nd, 2020, 7:02 pm
by juan73870
I'm loving both of the pots you have there!

Re: Its Nearly Plum Eating Time

Posted: December 23rd, 2020, 5:49 am
by Watto
Thanks Raging, since it has been in that pot it has been relatively easy to maintain, except I have to be careful when the wind blows.
Tgward - the transition looks worse than it is, There are a couple of branches coming from a similar area that make it look a bit clustered, a good wiring will sort that out.
Goodness Mel, of course plums should be in bonsai pots, what are you thinking hahahaha
Thanks Juan, I love a good pot or two.

Re: Its Nearly Plum Eating Time

Posted: December 23rd, 2020, 6:45 am
Is that a third Plum I spy Watto?
Great Plums as usual, stunning pots too.

Re: Its Nearly Plum Eating Time

Posted: December 23rd, 2020, 7:04 am
by melbrackstone
Goodness Mel, of course plums should be in bonsai pots, what are you thinking hahahaha
There's no doubt they'll get there eventually, Watto, never fear. :)