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NSW Native Plant Identification Facebook Group

Posted: January 28th, 2015, 3:13 pm
by Joel
*I have contacted Steven and received permission to post this thread*

Hi guys!

I have started a Facebook group called the NSW Native Plant Identification group. Essentially, it is a site where people can upload photos of plants they wish to identify and help others with their queries. I am lucky enough to know a few horticulturists, botanists, ecologists and naturalists and have enlisted their help with getting this project off the ground. The idea is simple; people upload a photo and others have a crack at identifying it! Everybody on there is super friendly and all are encouraged to have a go with identifying the plants. So far we have had native bonsai, full grown trees, garden plants, shrubs, groundcovers, small herbs and even the occasional fungus. The page has been up for a couple of months now and is growing stronger every day, with nearly 200 members and over 220 photos submitted for identification!

It is now at the stage where somebody can walk around and take photos with their mobile device, upload a photo and get feedback about what the plant may be almost instantly. Obviously some species take quite a bit more time to figure out and those plants are often the more interesting ones.

The group is set to "public", which means you can look at the page before deciding if you want to join.

Hope to see you there!

Re: NSW Native Plant Identification Facebook Group

Posted: January 29th, 2015, 7:01 am
by kcpoole
interesting idea, but need to have a FB account first tho :-(
I deleted mine and no longer use the site.

good luck

Re: NSW Native Plant Identification Facebook Group

Posted: January 30th, 2015, 9:39 pm
by Joel
Thanks Ken! The idea seems to have taken off quite well with between 5 and 10 photos being submitted per day at the moment. A bunch of bonsai guys have successfully had their mystery trees identified. It is a shame you are no longer a member of Facebook as it would have been great to have your knowledge on board.

To other Ausbonsai members with Facebook, I encourage you to have a look at the page. Everybody is most welcome.


Re: NSW Native Plant Identification Facebook Group

Posted: January 30th, 2015, 10:53 pm
by DavidWilloughby
Just joined, great idea and will invite friends to it.

The more knowledge that is spread, the better understanding in the long run will be achieved and without the veil of, "Secrecy" that is often associated with Australian Natives.



Re: NSW Native Plant Identification Facebook Group

Posted: July 26th, 2021, 9:10 pm
by coffeebush
Hi Joel, can you please approve my membership request to this group... ta