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Juniper in Murrumbung Studio pot

Posted: September 25th, 2016, 4:50 pm
by Craigg
Good afternoon all,

I have read with interest the comments regarding Australian potters, and thought that I should try a number of potters and see what I thought rather than listen to other peoples opinions.

The first potter I have purchased from is Tracey at Murrumbung Studio Ceramics. I am amazed by the level of service I received from Tracey and ended up getting 10 pots to start with, with more to be ordered soon. The quality is first rate.

So now to the Juniper. It is similar to the one I have in the shohin competition however this one is approx 13cm high while the competition one is approx 8cm. The pot is 8cm wide and approximately 2cm in height, IT needs some more thinning but I intend to leave that for a while to let the tree establish in the pot. It has previously been growing in a 5cm pot so I did not need to trim much at all, so hopefully it does ok.

Any feedback is most welcome.


Re: Juniper in Murrumbung Studio pot

Posted: September 26th, 2016, 10:42 am
by kcpoole
Very nice combo.
Just shows what we can achieve with smaller stock :yes:


Re: Juniper in Murrumbung Studio pot

Posted: September 26th, 2016, 12:20 pm
by Charliegreen
Pots nice, poor tree.

As previously discussed its the lack of pots at and above 50cm that is the problem.

Re: Juniper in Murrumbung Studio pot

Posted: September 26th, 2016, 12:42 pm
by Craigg
Hi Charlie,

As a novice I am interested in learning. Could you please expand on the poor tree comment. I would like some feedback so that I can learn.

As far as large pots, talk to Tracey. Her new kiln was test fired over the weekend and she may be able to do the larger pots you are after.