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Shohin Banksia

Posted: October 27th, 2022, 7:21 pm
by Billnben__5
I have had this tree for just over 2 years now I think, it has put on a lot of spring growth in just a month (I will post another pic of it later), pretty sure its an integrifolia and its just made from nursery stock. Also made the stand myself. [image]
EIOQlkV - Imgur.jpg

Re: Shohin Banksia

Posted: October 28th, 2022, 7:12 am
by CommonCalluna
I agree with you on intergrifolia. I've just started 3 and seeing that you've achieved this in 2 years makes me so excited!

I love the bark! I'm excited to see this little one grow. Nice work :)

Re: Shohin Banksia

Posted: October 28th, 2022, 11:27 am
by legoman_iac
Looking good ... though do the leaves reduce much on Banksia? Just bought a few myself, though not seem many pics online of reduced foilage. Not a deal breaker, the bark always looks so great anyway!

Re: Shohin Banksia

Posted: October 28th, 2022, 11:53 am
by CommonCalluna
Integrifolia leaves can be reduced, and you can get them to a stage where they shoot out their juvenile leaves instead of their mature ones, which are smaller and look better on a bonsai. Usually this is a lot of constant trimming though and you want to wait till the tree is more at the refinement stage (or before a show) to start carrying for the tree that stage.

Grant Bowie has an absolute beauty of a tree which you can find some pictures of here. It's absolutely stunning.

From what I've learned so far integrifolia and marginta can have their slaves reduced. Serrata no so much, I've seen some beautiful banksia serrata trees but despite the wonderful styling and ramification of the branches their leaves stay big.

Re: Shohin Banksia

Posted: October 30th, 2022, 8:39 am
by Grant Bowie
Banksia can make good shohin, however the smaller leafed B marginata would be a better choice if you can grow it in your area

I found with a B integrifolia cut down shohin the scar never healed as you are focusing on keeping the foliage and growth under control; carving could be an answer if you find the scar wont heal. I am also trying more B integrifolia shohin but I am starting from cuttings. I will do a post elsewhere when I have something to show.

Good start , keep at it and let us know how it goes.


Re: Shohin Banksia

Posted: October 30th, 2022, 1:00 pm
by Promethius
I think the trunk chop will add character, regardless of what direction you take from here. I look forward to your future updates!
Grant Bowie wrote:Banksia can make good shohin, however the smaller leafed B marginata would be a better choice if you can grow it in your area
I tried with a marginata last year, but it died over winter. I found that anything I had wired died first, then the rest of the tree gradually followed. Even without any attempt at growth restriction, the leaves were much smaller than my integrifolia.

I got the marginata from a native tree grower at a local market, who believed that marginata needs a lot of foliage before winter to utilise more water and prevent root rot. He also advised me to avoid liquid fertiliser. If I did it again, I would use a smaller pot with a more open mix, and would not wire anything.

Re: Shohin Banksia

Posted: November 1st, 2022, 7:59 am
by MikeK
There's also a dwarf form of B. integrifolia that has leaves much smaller than normal (close to the size of my marginata leaves).

I picked one up from the nursery in Cumberland State Forest in Sydney a few of months back