AusBonsai Shohin Progression Competition 2013-2014

Create the best possible shohin sized bonsai over an 18 month period between 1st April 2013 and 30th September 2014. There are 2 categories;
Category 1. REFINE - A continuation of entries in the 2011-2012 competition.
Category 2. CREATE - To create the best possible Shohin sized bonsai from raw, untrained stock.
Entry posts must be made no later than Midnight EDST on 31st March 2013.

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AusBonsai Shohin Progression Competition 2013-2014

Post by Steven »


Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is with great pleasure that I announce the new AusBonsai Shohin Progression Competition.

The objective of the AusBonsai Shohin Progression Competition is to create the best possible shohin sized bonsai over an 18 month period. This year there are 2 categories as follows;

Category 1. REFINE - A continuation of entries in the 2011-2012 competition. To take your existing shohin and refine them further over 18 months.
Category 2. CREATE - To create the best possible Shohin sized bonsai from raw, untrained stock over a period of 18 months.

This competition is open to all members of AusBonsai provided they abide by and agree with the rules of the contest. All previous entries are permitted to compete in the Refine category regardless if they completed the last competition or were disqualified.

Stock can be obtained from anywhere provided it is RAW, UNTRAINED and no prior STYLING has been done other than TRUNK CHOPPING and ROOT WORK. You can collect, purchase from a bonsai or general nursery, take a cutting/layer from an untrained tree or you may already own suitable stock. It just cannot have had any previous Styling!
Our definitions of key words are as follows;
RAW 'not processed, refined, or treated in any way'.
UNTRAINED 'a plant, bush, or tree has not been made to grow in a particular way, e.g. by pruning, wiring or tying it.'
STYLING 'an instance of creating something, especially something artistic, in a particular or idiosyncratic way.' This includes but is not limited to wiring, clip and grow or any other means that has changed the natural growth tree. Previous trunk chops, branch removal and work done on the roots are acceptable.
TRUNK CHOPPING 'an aggressive pruning typically on the trunk of a bonsai, which reduces the height of the trunk significantly.' Removal of branches from a trunk is also acceptable.
ROOT WORK 'the reduction of the root system that occurs during the periodic repotting of a bonsai.'

There is no price restriction and any species can be used.

Category 1. REFINE - All living entry threads from the 2011-2012 competition have been copied into the new 2013-2014 Shohin Styling Competition forum. To confirm your entry, you must make a reply post in your thread before Midnight EDST on 31st March 2013 containing the following information;
• At least 2 current photos of your stock/bonsai.
• Current height of stock (from top of pot to tip of tree)

Category 2. CREATE - To enter, you must start a "new topic" in the Shohin Styling Competition forum and make the "title" your name and the species of your stock, in this format, e.g.- [Your Username] Species name.
Your first post must contain the following;
• At least 2 photos of your chosen stock before any work commences.
• Species name (any species is allowed)
• Original height of stock (from top of pot to tip of tree)
• Where you obtained it from
• Cost of stock

There is no limit on the amount of trees you can enter in the CREATE category.

Any style can be created including group settings and cascade.
Size is measured from the top of the pot to the tip of the tree/s. The finished height must be under 250mm. There is no minimum height restriction.

• Photography is not being judged however the best possible picture/s should be submitted. Review our section on photographing bonsai for tips.
• Photographs must be of good quality, be a minimum of 500 x 500 pixels and in full colour
• Photographs are to be uploaded to AusBonsai and not linked from other sites
• Sub-standard photographs will not be accepted. A PM will be sent to the entrant explaining what was wrong and an opportunity to resubmit will be given. Failure to resubmit with better photographs may be cause for disqualification.

There will be prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in each of the 2 categories as judged by the members of AusBonsai.
Pat Kennedy from Mirkwood Forest Bonsai Pottery had kindly donated 2 beautifully hand crafted Shohin pots for the first prize in each category.

Category 1. REFINE
1st prize - Hand crafted shohin pot by Pat Kennedy of Mirkwood Forest Bonsai Pottery
2nd prize - Japanese carbon steel root/branch shears
3rd prize - Japanese stainless steel tweezers with spatula

Category 2. CREATE
1st prize - Hand crafted shohin pot by Pat Kennedy of Mirkwood Forest Bonsai Pottery
2nd prize - Japanese carbon steel bud/twig shears
3rd prize - Japanese stainless steel root rake with spatula

• Submissions will initially be reviewed by the Moderators of AusBonsai for compliance with the requirements.
• Judging will be done by the members of AusBonsai via an online poll. Judging will be opened soon after the competition closes and will take place over the following week. Winners will be announced on

• Entry posts and/or commitments must be made no later than Midnight EDST on 31st March 2013. No new entries will accepted after this date.
• Work can be done between 1st April 2013 and 30th September 2014.
• You must make a minimum 3 monthly progression update including photos, an overview of work completed and experiences. Updates must be made within the following EDST periods - 1st April to 30th June 2013, 1st July to 30th September 2013, 1st October to 31st December 2013, 1st January 2014 to 31st March 2014 and 1st April to 30th June 2014. Monthly updates are encouraged where there is substantial growth or techniques to show.
• Final submissions and photographs must be submitted no later than Midnight EDST on 1st October 2014.
• Entrants are encouraged to display the final tree in Bonsai pot but this should not be done to the detriment of the tree.
• The final pictures must include at least one paragraph of text describing the final outcome and what is planned for the future of the tree.
• Final submissions must contain at least two quality photographs, one with a plain background and one with a ruler to verify the finished size of the tree is under 250mm tall. You may submit as many photographs as you like from as many angles as you like.

The fine print:
• Please read all rules and refer back to them before submitting your before, progression or final photographs to prevent misunderstandings or disqualification.
• Contest is void where prohibited by law.
• Photos cannot be altered in any way other than adjusting contrast, lightness and colour saturation. Cropping and rotating to level the photographs is also allowed. No Photoshop, manipulation, editing etc.
• All work must be completed by the submitting artist.
• Discussion, advice and comments in the entry threads is encouraged, but please "No Virtuals".

Most importantly, have fun!

Yours in bonsai,
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AusBonsai Shohin Progression Competition 2013-2014

Post by MoGanic »


Just wanted to say WOOHOO!!

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Re: AusBonsai Shohin Progression Competition 2013-2014

Post by 63pmp »

I just want to clarify a point. I can not enter a tree into the refined category if it hasn't been in the previous contest?

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Re: AusBonsai Shohin Progression Competition 2013-2014

Post by Steven »

63pmp wrote:I just want to clarify a point. I can not enter a tree into the refined category if it hasn't been in the previous contest?
That is correct Paul, the REFINE category is only open to entries from the 2011-2012 competition. It is a continuation of those entries.
The CREATE category is for new stock entries.

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Re: AusBonsai Shohin Progression Competition 2013-2014

Post by Damian79 »

Faaaaantastic !!!!!
I have one question.
Is stock that has been purchased already, that has already been posted with a virtual on a previous thread, ok to enter.
This stock has not at all been styled yet.
I ask only beacause I have posted a virtual on this perticular tree.

Last edited by Damian79 on March 5th, 2013, 3:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: AusBonsai Shohin Progression Competition 2013-2014

Post by irish »


Steven,am I able to enter my tree that I have not long placed in the Australian Native Species section, titled Native Gum 2yrs ground to first training pot. For Category 2 Creat?

Irish. :aussie:
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AusBonsai Shohin Progression Competition 2013-2014

Post by kcpoole »

irish wrote:Hi.

Steven,am I able to enter my tree that I have not long placed in the Australian Native Species section, titled Native Gum 2yrs ground to first training pot. For Category 2 Creat?

Irish. :aussie:
Hadith had any styling work or Burt's done? Input then I see no iproblem
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Re: AusBonsai Shohin Progression Competition 2013-2014

Post by Meagi »

Hi Steve
In the refine category if tree has been sold but was in 2011- 2012contest can it be re entered by new owner with permission from previous owner to take to next level ?

I will also have to source out some shohin stock for new competition ....
Last edited by Meagi on March 5th, 2013, 4:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: AusBonsai Shohin Progression Competition 2013-2014

Post by lackhand »

Ooh . . . I have a callistemon I've been saving for the ofBonsai contest, but I think maybe I'll enter it here instead. Yes, the grand prize is much better there, but the community is so much better here, this will be much more fun. Plus, I have a hunch you guys will appreciate my callistemon more anyhow. Now to see what else I can scrounge up. . . ;)
Cheers, Karl
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Re: AusBonsai Shohin Progression Competition 2013-2014

Post by xtolord »

Thanks for this new competition Steve

Sounds interesting.
One thing though, could you not have dropped a word well before hand?
I had some 5 materials that was untrained and now I can't add them into the competition.
Will have to look for some new materials now, but that's fun too.

Got a question:
Discussion, advice and comments in the entry threads is encouraged, but please "No Virtuals".
Do you mean no virtuals from "spectators" only
Or no virtuals from the participants too ?
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Re: AusBonsai Shohin Progression Competition 2013-2014

Post by Jason »

Can't wait to see the entries! :)
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Re: AusBonsai Shohin Progression Competition 2013-2014

Post by Andrew F »

Tooth picking classified as styling?
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Re: AusBonsai Shohin Progression Competition 2013-2014

Post by fiveoffive »

Sweet i just did a trunk chop today.
no style.
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Re: AusBonsai Shohin Progression Competition 2013-2014

Post by jezz_39 »

I watched the last contest with great interest.
Gotta go get some fresh stock to play with. A big thanks to Steven, Pat Kennedy and everyone else who organised this competition. Looking forward to playing along and following all other entries :yes:
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Re: AusBonsai Shohin Progression Competition 2013-2014

Post by kcpoole »

kcpoole wrote:
irish wrote:Hi.

Steven,am I able to enter my tree that I have not long placed in the Australian Native Species section, titled Native Gum 2yrs ground to first training pot. For Category 2 Creat?

Irish. :aussie:
Hadith had any styling work or Burt's done? Input then I see no iproblem
Gawd I hate autocorrect! It mangled this real good

Has it had any styling work or virts done? If so then no cannot be used.

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