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Re: [soda] Ash eWorkshop

Posted: July 16th, 2013, 11:48 am
by Grant Bowie
on the photo at the apex there are three unwired branches , one pointing to the left and the other longer two pointing up. Cut above the two pointing up.

This removes the thick, straight, upright portion of the trunk near the apex.


[soda] Ash eWorkshop

Posted: July 17th, 2013, 9:29 am
by soda
Hi Grant, this and a Chinese elm I have look like they have given up on winter. Is this an issue? I think it will be in leaf in a month unless I move them to a colder darker spot. Thanks Soda

Re: [soda] Ash eWorkshop

Posted: July 17th, 2013, 5:09 pm
by Grant Bowie
soda wrote:Hi Grant, this and a Chinese elm I have look like they have given up on winter. Is this an issue? I think it will be in leaf in a month unless I move them to a colder darker spot. Thanks Soda
I haven't noticed elm and ash to bleed so it should be OK to continue to cut and wire etc

Maybe too late to repot in your case but some elm never go completely dormant.


Re: [soda] Ash eWorkshop

Posted: August 7th, 2013, 5:14 pm
by soda
Hi Grant
Updated pic.

I have taken an inch or two off the top as requested. Let me know if you are happy with this cut spot. A touch lost how to resolve the other branches here.

I am yet to rewire as I didn't have the right grade wire. I hope to get this done this weekend.

Re: the second trunk. I cant imagine getting the current longer shoot up into a leader without a significant kink, due to the earlier cut. The alternatives are hope for a bud on the inside of the elbow (some promise) or alternatively re-cut and bend up the other lower shoot upwards.

Let me know your thoughts.

Cheers soda

Re: [soda] Ash eWorkshop

Posted: August 8th, 2013, 5:46 pm
by Grant Bowie
There is a little shoot on the top branch on the second trunk; this when it thickens up could be a leader. There will be movement in this new trunk and you should try and get more movement into the branches when you rewire them.

The branches on the left hand side can be wired down sharply and with movement; the branches on the right can be wired up a bit then out and down.

The branches at the back can then be massaged into position.


Re: [soda] Ash eWorkshop

Posted: August 15th, 2013, 5:13 pm
by soda
Hi Grant, getting lots of growth at the tips. Leave to go crazy now or some method of trimming? Thanks soda

Re: [soda] Ash eWorkshop

Posted: August 17th, 2013, 1:22 pm
by Grant Bowie
soda wrote:Hi Grant, getting lots of growth at the tips. Leave to go crazy now or some method of trimming? Thanks soda
Growth hasn't even started on my Ash yet.

With yours pinch out the new most vigorous growth but do not trim at all the weaker growth.

The weaker growth will then grow longer and stronger while the strongest area is having to form new buds and elongate etc.

When the weaker growth and the stronger growth are once again equal that would be the time to pinch/cut back all over and defoliate.

The wiring down of the branches will force some back budding up the branches and on the second or third defoliation you should be able to wire down these new branchlets.


Re: [soda] Ash eWorkshop

Posted: October 14th, 2013, 12:00 pm
by soda
Hi Grant

I have untaken a haircut as requested. Here is the update. There are three 'bud' options on the lower leader that could be chosen as the 'leader'.

A small bud that faces the trunk. May help if the intention is to keep the leader under the canopy (i.e. holding baby style)

A stem with leaves that extend towards the camera (requires a further cut then bend upward)

A bud you highlighted earlier, that is beyond and 'under' the historic cut. This will extend outward, thus putting a kink in the future second trunk if used.

I hope these options are apparent in the images.
Olivecrazy once linked me this picture which may be am idea, considering the second trunk.

Re: [soda] Ash eWorkshop

Posted: October 19th, 2013, 8:02 am
by Grant Bowie
I like the tree shown in the photo. The tree itself has lots of interesting movement and age. To grow your second trunk in that style is possible given a number of years.

I would keep the three bud options open for a while yet to see which grows the best unless you have a strong (stylistic) opinion as to which is best.

Consider incorporating new branches that have popped on the trunk or smaller branches on existing branches. You could lightly wire into position if thick enough or allow to elongate for a month or so.

Defoliate(completely next time) again in about 6 weeks or so.


Re: [soda] Ash eWorkshop

Posted: October 20th, 2013, 4:40 pm
by soda
Thanks Grant, will do. I need to get it growing as strong as yours wow!

Re: [soda] Ash eWorkshop

Posted: October 21st, 2013, 12:17 pm
by Grant Bowie
soda wrote:Thanks Grant, will do. I need to get it growing as strong as yours wow!
The vigour of the trees is very important of course. Without good health we get mediocre growth and less back budding after defoliation.

Fertilise at full recommended dose of whatever it is you use. I use PowerFeed at the moment.


Re: [soda] Ash eWorkshop

Posted: November 26th, 2013, 6:16 pm
by soda
Defoliate time for me too Grant?

Re: [soda] Ash eWorkshop

Posted: December 1st, 2013, 7:42 am
by soda
Had some time last night to defoliate and remove some biting wire.
Here is the close up of the three 2nd leader options. Thinking the green strongest, with a bit of carving work above/inside of it, to help bend up and lessen the kink?

Re: [soda] Ash eWorkshop

Posted: December 1st, 2013, 6:16 pm
by Grant Bowie
You will need to leave it alone until it is significantly thicker; otherwise you might snap it off.


Re: [soda] Ash eWorkshop

Posted: July 26th, 2014, 10:51 am
by soda
Hi Grant, starting to get some bud swelling. I want to get it repotted and clean out any remaining root rot that may be present. I also need to get some wire and movement into a lot of branches. The second leader is years away from making sense? My favourite view has it at the back for the time being.ImageImage apologies for the unglamorous shots, in a rental.