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Posted: December 30th, 2008, 4:56 pm
by Pup
Hello all I thought I would post this as I know a lot of you have. Juniperus procumbens and nana. Also squamata prostrata. These plants are subject to a fungal disease called Phoma. I discovered it after my trees started to look sick. I thought it was an insect attack so the usual treatments. Nothing seemed to work. The trees just stated to get worse. Then I saw insects. What is this I thought . I was reading Deborah Koreshoff's Book and there it was. Phoma a fungus. To treat it use a Copper sulphide fungal spray. Mancozeb plus, is also a good one. What to look for is distorted growth on new shoots. While this will not kill your tree it will weaken it, so insects can have free reign. I have a picture of one of my Cascades that is getting over it. I have had to do some rewiring.

Re: Phoma

Posted: December 30th, 2008, 6:47 pm
by Jon Chown
Thanks for this post Pup - I have a San Jose Juniper that I thought had an attack of red spider mite so I sprayed it with Confidor a few weeks ago and have not seen any improvement. I'll hit it with the Mancozeb tomorrow.


Re: Phoma

Posted: December 30th, 2008, 7:59 pm
by daiviet_nguyen
Hi Pup,

Thank you for the info. I have only two squamata prostrata junipers. I bought them when they were about
1 year old. When I brought them home, the TV stations were running the news of the passing of Princess Diana.

Might be the climates are different or something, I could not say that I have any pests or dieases with this
squamata prostrata junipers. But then again I have only two.

