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Short Training Pots

Posted: November 25th, 2022, 6:20 pm
by Mickeyjaytee
Hey everyone,

I’m curious to know if anyone knows where I can get shorter black plastic pots for slip potting? The only pots I can find retail are the Bunnings black plastic pots but, they are pretty tall. I know I could cut them down to size but, it feels like a waste of plastic because I grow heaps of other plants.

My local bonsai shop owner said he buys his from a wholesaler but, didn’t say where. He gave me a few which I’m appreciative of but, would like more!

I live in Perth so I’d probably have to order online so, if anyone knows of any place I’d greatly appreciate it!

Thank you!

Re: Short Training Pots

Posted: November 25th, 2022, 6:30 pm
Any of your pond or orchid shops other wise the old eBay.

Re: Short Training Pots

Posted: November 25th, 2022, 7:43 pm
by shibui
I buy low profile pots from The orchid Pot Company in Port Maquarie - made in Port Maquarie but shipped all over.
15cm, 20cm and 30 cm pots - all around 10cm deep. Just checked the product list and see they have introduced a couple more even shallower pots.

Bering orchid pots they have excellent drainage holes. I've found I need to line the 30 cm pots because the outer holes are large enough to let potting mix fall through slowly over time.

Note that there's a nursery levy, GST and shipping cost to add on top of the quoted prices but still good value for low profile pots.

Re: Short Training Pots

Posted: November 26th, 2022, 7:20 am
by alpineart
Hi mate , an alternative to pots is planter bags .I have been using them for well over 15 years , available in many sizes from tall to squat . Currently have around 200 bags in use

I prefer tall bags and roll them down to create various heights to suit individual trunks The bigger the bags ie 15-20 litre , 200-350mm diameter , the thicker the film .
I have used 5-10 litre bags which have served the purpose well for the last 10 years also

I still have bags in use from the original purchases with little or no deterioration from age or sun .

Postage is cheap due to the fact they are flat , storage is even easier .

Cheers Ian

Re: Short Training Pots

Posted: November 27th, 2022, 9:28 am
by Mickeyjaytee
Thanks for the posts, I appreciate it! I’ll look into the website for the short pots. I also didn’t even consider planter bags, I shall grab a few and give it a go. Thanks, that’s an awesome tip!

Re: Short Training Pots

Posted: November 28th, 2022, 10:39 am
by AdamBonz
The orchid shops tend to call the lower pots "squat pots", that may help you to search. I have bought them on ebay as well.