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Acacia boormanii - Snowy River Wattle

Posted: May 20th, 2022, 3:26 pm
by Jan
Purchased as tube stock in the Sumer of 2021.

The label reads, 3-5 metres high x 2-3 metres wide. Hardy. Full sun/part shade. Moist or dry soils. Abundant yellow flowers in spring. Tolerates -7 degrees C. May sucker. Low maintenance.

Sounds like it might have a chance as Bonsai material...

Winter 2021 soft tips trimmed and put into propagator in shade house fish tank. Still sitting up a month later so hopeful of striking, fingers crossed.
2021-10-28 - took image of plant so far. It has been tip pruned and tips have been treated with hormone powder and placed in propagator to strike (if they will).
20211028_140817 Acacia boormanii.jpg
2021-12-28- Repotted, nipped out the tips of the new growth, bent the trunk a bit.
20211228_164211 Acacia boormani.jpg
2021-12-30 Tips pruned again, growing well.

2022-04-27 Putting on new growth after yet another trim.

So far, so good :D

Re: Acacia boormanii - Snowy River Wattle

Posted: May 20th, 2022, 5:17 pm
by shibui
May sucker.

:roll: :roll: :roll:
Comes up several metres away from the original plant in the garden here and then just keeps on going.

Unfortunately does not seem to ever grow a thick trunk. More shrubby with lots of thin trunks. Nice narrow phylodes though and plenty of flowers.
I'll be interested to see how it grows for you in a pot.

Re: Acacia boormanii - Snowy River Wattle

Posted: May 22nd, 2022, 10:07 am
by Jan
2022-04-27 The plant was tip pruned again, and tips were treated with hormone powder and placed in propagator to strike (if they will).

The cuttings are looking promising but I will not transplant until I see roots or new growth (Spring?)....
20220521_155850 Acacia boormanii.jpg