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New to Callistemon, please advise

Posted: June 4th, 2017, 6:42 pm
by Bonbon
Been doing bonsai for years but first time to deal with Callistemon.
Need some advise.
Are they sensitive to root pruning?
Do they need deeper pots than normal?
Do they readily shoot from bare trunk?
When is the best time to root prune?
Do they like full sun?
Do they need special fertiliser, the one for natives?

Thanks :worship:

Re: New to CallistNOpeemon, please advise

Posted: June 4th, 2017, 7:23 pm
by kcpoole
Bonbon wrote:Been doing bonsai for years but first time to deal with Callistemon.
Need some advise.
Are they sensitive to root pruning? NOPE
Do they need deeper pots than normal? NOPE
Do they readily shoot from bare trunk? YEP
When is the best time to root prune? Early summer when growing hard but you can do anytime Spring to Autumn
Do they like full sun? YEP
Do they need special fertiliser, the one for natives? NOPE I use the same on all my trees.

Thanks :worship:

Re: New to Callistemon, please advise

Posted: June 4th, 2017, 7:37 pm
by robb63
Hi Bonbon, my experience is very limited but late last spring I root pruned 90% from a very root bound Calistamon
It was in poor health when I got it and sulked most of this summer but is now powering. Kept in full sun all the time
Fed with slow release/powerfeed/c-carp same as most of my trees
I have killed a few over the years by not waiting for warmer weather to repot, but last 3yrs all are healthy :fc:
hope that helps a little.

Re: New to Callistemon, please advise

Posted: June 4th, 2017, 8:00 pm
by Bonbon
Thank you very much. :worship:
Just a bit cautious as I just got some very promising material.