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Assorted Eucy's

Posted: May 10th, 2017, 6:59 pm
by quodlibet_ens
These came in the mail today from Wimmera Native Nursery. I'm quite excited about these as I had chosen them based on a few things like the size and shape of the leaves to the colour of the flowers. I know it will be a while off yet before they will flower (if at all), but I'll have some fun with them in the mean time.

From left to right:
Cider Gum - E. Gunnii
Red-Capped Gum - E. Erythrocorys
Round-Leaved Mallee - E. Orbifolia
Swamp Mallet - E. Spathulata
Gooseberry Mallee - E. CalycogonaImage

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Re: Assorted Eucy's

Posted: May 11th, 2017, 9:11 am
by melbrackstone

I ordered some tubes from a native nursery which had a lower limit of 25 tubes at a time...only 3 of them were labelled... 20 of them look pretty similar, but they should be 3 different plants... :tounge:

I'm sure I'll work it out eventually...

Re: Assorted Eucy's

Posted: May 11th, 2017, 9:26 am
by quodlibet_ens
Wimmera didn't have a minimum amount and all were labelled well. They were package quite securely as well.

I've found a few other native nurseries that take online orders, so I'll be checking those out, too.

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Re: Assorted Eucy's

Posted: May 11th, 2017, 11:45 am
by Max
This is my River red i planted in late January
it was a like yours :o

Re: Assorted Eucy's

Posted: May 11th, 2017, 12:03 pm
by quodlibet_ens
That's an insane growth rate! Will you look to cut it back a bit now or are you going to wait?

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Re: Assorted Eucy's

Posted: May 11th, 2017, 12:25 pm
by Max
Hi mate, yeah....nah....dunno :palm: :lol: what i'm thinking is chopping it down to about say 400 odd mm seeing where it shoots and then deciding on chopping it back to hopefully 2-300 mm then growing it on again to get that magical thing called taper :whistle: i'm thinking it's final size will be about 1.2m, i'm going to have to put a shovel thru the roots, but not going to do that til spring, so chop will wait til summer, or should i do it now ya reckon?

Re: Assorted Eucy's

Posted: May 11th, 2017, 1:23 pm
by melbrackstone
Wimmera didn't have a minimum amount and all were labelled well.
Bonus! Place I dealt with packed everything well, but only marked the name of each of the 4 types on one tube... oh well, the plants themselves are in good nick, and I just can't seem to buy them locally...even the Native plant market I went to on the weekend wasn't as well stocked as I'd hoped!
This is my River red i planted in late January
Crikey! I have heard that they will grow really fast from tubestock, but that's amazing!

Re: Assorted Eucy's

Posted: May 12th, 2017, 4:45 pm
by GavinG
You have some serious fun there q-e!

Be gentle with root-pruning E. gunnii, a few people have found them touchy.
E. orbifolia has "minni-ritchi" bark when it gets some size to it - it curls off the tree lengthwise, and should be very interesting.
Mallees by their nature are prone to slender growth - take this into consideration when you are deciding what you want.
E. spathulata and calygona look very interesting - please keep us advised whether they are robust for bonsai treatment.
Flowering is not really likely, given that we keep on pinching and pruning - they don't seem keen on it. Good luck if you can make it happen!
Some of the mallees are West Australian - they may need particularly well-drained soils in the humid east.

Please keep posting as they develop.


Re: Assorted Eucy's

Posted: May 12th, 2017, 7:18 pm
by quodlibet_ens
Thanks for your response, Gavin. I'll certainly keep this thread updated as they grow.

Just on the mallee's and their slender growth, I recently bought a book on Literati Penjing and almost all of the bonsai in that book illustrated slender trees that didn't have a great deal of taper (if any!). I think that's where I'll look for inspiration for those.

I'm certainly excited to see how these turn out!

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Re: Assorted Eucy's

Posted: May 13th, 2017, 3:09 pm
by GavinG
Hmmmm. Tall slender elegant lonely Euc in the middle of nowhere, a few sparse branches, bark half shedding, the sound of crows in the distance.....

Looking forward to it.


Re: Assorted Eucy's

Posted: May 13th, 2017, 3:34 pm
by quodlibet_ens
GavinG wrote:Hmmmm. Tall slender elegant lonely Euc in the middle of nowhere, a few sparse branches, bark half shedding, the sound of crows in the distance.....

That's exactly what I'm thinking of!!!!

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