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Eucalyptus melliodora shohin

Posted: November 4th, 2019, 7:15 pm
by Sno
Well I can hold it in one hand . It’s probably a bit tall for the rule books but who cares .
Yellow Box as it’s commonly known . I bought a few ‘plugs ‘ from a Canberra wholesale nursery 8 or so years ago to bonsai . They are frost tolerant and grow around Canberra but in an alpine region the spring growth gets frost burnt so I ended up selling most of them on . This one didn’t sell ,it was the worst of the bunch the others had great movement . I’ve just put it into a Graham Cook pot so it’s worth showing . It’s a bit annoying that when you photo it the left hand branch is a bit obscured , in 3D that’s not an issue .
Next step is to reduce the leaves more . At the moment they are half the the size that’s with out trying much so I think they will reduce a lot more .

Re: Eucalyptus melliodora shohin

Posted: November 4th, 2019, 7:27 pm
by matlea
Looks good!

Re: Eucalyptus melliodora shohin

Posted: November 4th, 2019, 7:38 pm
by Keep Calm and Ramify
:yes: a tree in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Re: Eucalyptus melliodora shohin

Posted: November 4th, 2019, 8:41 pm
by melbrackstone
That's a beaut tree and the pot suits it very well!

Re: Eucalyptus melliodora shohin

Posted: November 5th, 2019, 6:24 am
by MJL
Cool tree, cool pot.

Thanks for posting ... I think that this is the form that I am aiming at with a Water Gum that I have just cut back. :yes:

Re: Eucalyptus melliodora shohin

Posted: November 5th, 2019, 9:21 am
by regwac
Great tree Sno . Thanks for the compliment on the pot .
See you on Saturday .
PS can someone tell me where the “ thanks “ button is ?

Re: Eucalyptus melliodora shohin

Posted: November 5th, 2019, 11:48 am
by terryb
regwac wrote: November 5th, 2019, 9:21 am PS can someone tell me where the “ thanks “ button is ?
Sure thing Graham.
2019-11-05 12_13_51-Eucalyptus melliodora shohin - AusBonsai.jpg

Re: Eucalyptus melliodora shohin

Posted: November 5th, 2019, 1:10 pm
by GavinG
If that's the worst of the bunch I'd like to see the others... Very graceful and elegant, without being "tidy".

About that left branch, I'm starting to think that any tree that's interesting in three dimensions probably won't photograph well, by definition.

Rory and PeterH have experimented with defoliating Eucs - Peter said it was useless with E. polyanthemos, and Rory had to defoliate E. punctata twice in the one season before he got results. From memory (never reliable!) his second defoliation was in winter - not an option for us in the cold zones, but it may be a reason why it worked for him.

Keep us posted.


Re: Eucalyptus melliodora shohin

Posted: November 5th, 2019, 7:37 pm
by Sno
Thank you everybody .
GavinG wrote: November 5th, 2019, 1:10 pm

Rory and PeterH have experimented with defoliating Eucs - Peter said it was useless with E. polyanthemos, and Rory had to defoliate E. punctata twice in the one season before he got results. From memory (never reliable!) his second defoliation was in winter - not an option for us in the cold zones, but it may be a reason why it worked for him.

Keep us posted.

I wouldn’t be brave enough to defoliate in winter everything shuts down and there is no growth what so ever . But .
One of the side effects from a spring frost is when the leaves grow back they are smaller .
So I kept three (I just sold one of them on Saturday at the CBS meeting and I am still suffering from sellers remorse :palm: .) Anyway of the three two of them were put into garden seives to bulk up .
Here is a photo of the two that are left together . It’s a dodgy photo because it was getting dark .
It’s actually the first time these two have been next to each other in years so it was interesting for me to see the difference .
Frost tonight .And no I am not letting them get frosted ,ones in the laundry and the other is put away in a plastic tub for the night . Maybe next year .

Re: Eucalyptus melliodora shohin

Posted: November 5th, 2019, 7:57 pm
by Keels
Sno wrote: November 5th, 2019, 7:37 pm I just sold one of them on Saturday at the CBS meeting and I am still suffering from sellers remorse :palm:
I wish I had brought that tree you were selling at the CBS... It was a beauty.

Re: Eucalyptus melliodora shohin

Posted: November 5th, 2019, 8:23 pm
by Rory
Going forward, it’s just easier to start with small leaf Eucs.
Same with a lot of other varieties.
You’re a brave man trying to keep a shohin melliodora Sno.
My hats off to you, it’s probably going to be a continual slow battle.

If I was going to shohin a Euc I’d probably only trial crebra, because I’m lazy and don’t want to fight the leaf size.

That’s a nice tree Sno. Agree with Gavin, if that’s your worst, wow.

I feel the same with many other genus.

I got success from reducing punctata leaves. One significant point was that I had very low sun levels when they were partially defoliated. The low sun may have helped stunt them. But eventually the possums killed them all. Fortunately something has since killed the possum, and my remaining Eucs are getting better. Or it might be that our new dog has scared it off.

But I find growing E. crebra is better as the leaves reduce without much effort.

Re: Eucalyptus melliodora shohin

Posted: October 22nd, 2022, 3:20 pm
by Sno
A few years later . The tree suffered a bit last year I can’t remember if it was frost ,too wet or something else . It was losing all its fine twigging and generally looking fairly ‘ratty’ . Anyway I repotted it into a 42 mice pot which is double the size of its previous pot to help it regain vigour and gave it a prime spot in my winter protection . Today I pulled off the last of last years ‘ratty’ leaves and gave it a clean up because it’s popping it’s new spring growth .

It’s not really a shohin anymore and it’s new pot is a bit big . I like it in this pot so I may grow it into it .

Re: Eucalyptus melliodora shohin

Posted: October 23rd, 2022, 4:35 pm
by GavinG
The tree is going very happily, and the pot, particularly with the moss growing in the cracks (!) just looks like rocks at the edge of a cliff.

Now who would have thought that a bonsai grower would be picky, but

Is the solid green moss doing the rest of the composition any favours? Maybe some rocks scattered on the ground, maybe leaf litter, maybe different colours and textures of moss?

And yes, I'd have it in a heartbeat.

Thanks for posting,


Re: Eucalyptus melliodora shohin

Posted: October 24th, 2022, 7:59 am
by Promethius
Love the whole composition.

It calls to mind a tree growing in the high country, or atop ruins of a stone structure. I like moss in general, and in this case I think it works particularly well, blurring the boundary between pot and contents.

Nice one, thanks for sharing! Do you know who made the pot?

Re: Eucalyptus melliodora shohin

Posted: October 24th, 2022, 8:07 am
by melbrackstone
repotted it into a 42 mice pot
You can find him on instagram.. I think. Looking now.