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Hi - looking for ID and guidance please

Posted: September 19th, 2023, 6:46 pm
by captmorgs
Hi All,

I've been a long time reader but not active for various reasons but have now settled down in Perth and have my own place and don't intend on moving anywhere anytime soon. So the opportunity came up with a deceased estate and managed to nab a few trees, pots wire etc for 220 bucks! I've attached some pics can anyone please help with some IDs? I'm guessing the majority are a type of melaleuca hence posting in this section.

The photos are numbered,

1) unkown? is a decent size about 600mm high. I believe there was about a week before the plants were watered after the poor fella passed away but this one is definitely alive with some new shoots starting on most of the branches. May have lost a few but time will tell. Any ideas on what do do with this one styling or shape wise?

2) unkown? bit smaller than number 1, I suspect it may be the same but younger. Fair bit of training going on, again any tips would be appreciated

3) unknown, they threw these in, I again suspect similar or same as one or two. 6 in total, possibly could make a small forest style?

Also managed to get a Chinese elm(expired I think, but pot was good)a juniper and a jacaranda in training and several pots and wire. I'll post them in their respective appropriate sections.

Cheers and thanks in advance!

Re: Hi - looking for ID and guidance please

Posted: September 19th, 2023, 7:36 pm
by shibui
Not a lot to go on but I suspect #1 is some sort of Melaleuca. #2 looks like a Callistemon (which are now included in Melaleca too) and my best guess for #3 is Agonis (WA peppermint) but hard to be sure from that distance.
Often ID relies on minute differences so overall photos don't give enough detail. For better ID we need an overall view, closer look at bark, closer look at leaf and leaf arrangement on the young stems. Sometimes it comes down to flowers to separate species.

It doesn't matter too much what these are for a start. They are all natives and will respond to broadly similar care. They all need time and care to recover from the recent trauma. Plenty of water through spring. Fertiliser when they have enough leaves to make use of it.
I would give them all a full season of growth to replenish strength before starting further styling work. There are a few natives that do not bud on older wood but my feeling is that all these will respond well to pruning so no issues with allowing growth for recovery and development.

Re: Hi - looking for ID and guidance please

Posted: September 20th, 2023, 12:42 pm
by captmorgs
Hi Shibui,

Thank you very much for the response and advice - much appreciated. I will look further into those species and cross check the details to see if I can get some positive IDs.

Kind regards,