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Re: The beginnings of something

Posted: October 29th, 2014, 6:40 pm
by fae
Thanks for the update Squizzy

Love the tapper of the lower trunk, I expect the plant will really power on now the weather is warming up.

:imo: A great aussie native to work on.

Fiona :clap: :clap: :cool:

Re: The beginnings of something

Posted: October 29th, 2014, 8:39 pm
by squizzy
Thanks fiona,

I think it is a great native. Ray Nesci showed me one of his and the leaf reduction that can be achieved. This has responded well to all forms of torture so far. It should become one of my best trees.


Re: The beginnings of something

Posted: October 11th, 2016, 12:54 pm
by bonborn
Waiting patiently :whistle: . Any updates on this one?

Re: The beginnings of something

Posted: November 9th, 2016, 6:44 am
by squizzy
Hi all

Took this out to the school of bonsai a few weeks ago to discuss its features, flaws and its future. One of the biggest concerns for me was the nebari. It was decided that I could attempt a ground layer. It would be now longer before I could get it in a bonsai pot but was better for the trees future. I just had to remind myself. Have patience ( I don't have a great deal).

So last night was the big cut. I took a few photos of before and after but must admit I forgot to take a photo of the cut :palm:


Re: The beginnings of something

Posted: November 9th, 2016, 7:40 am
by Boics
This should work well squizz.
I have always found figs to readily root.
By the end of summer this should be well on its way to separating.

Re: The beginnings of something

Posted: February 1st, 2017, 9:31 am
by squizzy
Well I'm excited about the root development on the tristaniopsis. It's pushing roots from everywhere. I think it's going to improve the nebari considerably. As you can see from the photo. It's pushing roots out of every irregular nook or split in the trunk. Even above the sphagnum moss.


Re: The beginnings of something

Posted: February 1st, 2017, 9:22 pm
by bonborn
Hi Squizzy what exactly did you do. Did you cut the base off and regrow it as a cutting. I also have one that needs the same done. I'll wait till summer next year though.

Re: The beginnings of something

Posted: February 1st, 2017, 10:12 pm
by squizzy
Hi Bonborn,

I ground layered which is much like air layering only difference being its at ground level. I ring barked all the way around the tree about 10 mm wide by 10 mm deep. I did it with concave cutters and a budding knife but a far easier way( and in future my preferred method) would be a dremal with a cutting head.

we were discussing on the night the difference between this and a cutting and as far as I understand the tree survives by still passing water and nutrients from the existing roots through the remaining softwood. The only other way would be that the spagnum moss in the cut provides a bridge for these nutrients to pass through?????

Maybe some others have theories on this?


Re: The beginnings of something

Posted: February 3rd, 2017, 11:47 am
by bonborn
Thanks Squizz. Will give it a go next summer and see how i go.

Re: The beginnings of something

Posted: March 11th, 2017, 8:51 am
by squizzy
Well I have been dragging the chain on this one for a while but I bit the bullet and put it in its first bonsai pot. It's been a long journey so far and only now am I beginning the branch building stage. I see it being a few years yet but I am happy it has begun.

I dragged away a lot of the sphagnum moss and cut back a lot of old thick Roots from under the trunk. I feel confident it will be ok but am going to cover the surface roots with sphagnum just to be safe.

This is its front for now but who knows in the future? It's hard to make out in the photo but it has a reasonably good trunk line. I think the apex needs a slight compression though. I will let it settle now and begin work on that next summer I would say.



Re: The beginnings of something

Posted: March 11th, 2017, 9:26 am
by Paul W
Hey Squizz
I notice you put it in a bonsai pot have you got a theory on that, as I usually put mine in say and orchid squat pot for the training process.
Cheers Mate, have a good one. :worship:

Re: The beginnings of something

Posted: March 11th, 2017, 10:40 am
by squizzy
Hi Paul.

I think I'm down to the business end. Probably get better growth growth in a plastic pots but the root mass is getting big now and I don't think I want it any bigger. I am confident I can get smaller branch structure in this pot.


Re: The beginnings of something

Posted: March 11th, 2017, 11:11 am
by Max
Hi there any way to speed up the roll over of the cambium, such as slicing/nic/cut/scoring the cambium or even dremeling the dead wood back to live wood
Just thinking of how an air layer is done and how if not done properly the cambium joins back up in a matter of a few months :lost:

Re: The beginnings of something

Posted: March 12th, 2017, 11:16 am
by squizzy
Hi no idea

I assume you are referring to the large scare on the back of the tree? I am not overly worried about it healing all the way over. I think I can make it a feature infact. A little like a hollow section of failed trunk on a gum tree.

I will try an post a photo of what I mean.


Re: The beginnings of something

Posted: March 12th, 2017, 11:20 am
by squizzy