G’day to all who visit this blog , Ausbonsai.com  has had a change of server due to the high demand on the site .The site has encountered some difficulties due to this high demand and the current server was  unable to cope with this traffic .The new web address for the Ausbonsai site is   www.ausbonsai.com.au   , the blog address has also been change to  www.ausbonsai.com.au/blog/alpineart/

The new address has now been officially changed  however it will no doubt take quite some time for Google to catch up with the new server address.I would like to take this opportunity to once again thank Steven and the Ausbonsai tech support team for all their assistance and too all whom visit i hope you continue to enjoy the blog  .

As i have said on many occasions Ausbonsai is an Australian Bonsai site however all interested individuals from around the world  keen to participate in the Ausbonsai.com.au online forum are most welcome .

Its FREE to join and a wealth of knowledge regarding Australian Natives as bonsai along with the True Blue Aussie approach  making it a pleasurable experience . .

Cheers Alpineart

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