The Big Gum Had To Go

At my residence I have a number of “bonsai houses” where of course there are different bonsai. There was a very large gum tree (Angophora) that grew in close proximity to these houses and it was a beautiful tree, except when it was windy. When the wind blew the tree would bend to such an extent that I feared it would either loose a few of its large branches, of it might even fall all together.

After the tree was examined and it was decided it could be dangerous, the decision to have it cut down was taken. A local contractor was engaged to carry out the work and so a few days before Christmas 2013 down she came.

I was very impresed with the efficiency of the contractors who arrived at the agreed time with all the equipment necesary to carry out the task.

A few days before the work was to be carried out I needed to move about 60 to 70 bonsai to safer locations to prevent any accidents. And let me tell you that was a task in itself.

Already half the tree is gone

Already half the tree is gone

I did intend to take a few photos before the work commenced but I didn’t quite get around to it, but the photo above shows about half the branches already cut down.

A bit more cut down

A bit more cut down

 It was agreed that the woody sections would be cut into suitable lengths and after it had dried out I would use it in my potbelly stove.

Part of the fire wood

Part of the fire wood

The contractors were very safety conscience but it still looked a bit too much for me?

Hanging free

Hanging free

Hanging free 2

Hanging free 2

Not much more to go now

Not much more to go now

Nearly finished

Nearly finished

The stump

The stump

 I did ask the contractors to leave the stump so I could display a bonsai on it in the future.

The bonsai were all returned to their positions but of course the shade that the tree provided was now absent and as such I have had some leaf burn and many have dried out a lot more, but in the long run it should be an improvement.

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