This is a group of Atlas Cedars grown from seed over 15 years ago and placed into a Bonsai tray as a group 10 years back . The older trees are 15 year old and the younger ones are 6- 8 year olds . It has changed many times over the years having lost several trees and removed a couple for single tree Bonsai . Originally there was 19 in the group until my “Dingo” got a bit rough with the tennis ball and knocked it flying .

Currently there is 9 trees in the group , with more than 200 bonsai and trainers on the go plus hundreds of collected seedlings and yamadori i have had no time to trim or shape these cedars this season . To my surprise when taking the pics of the group i have found my first little cone on 1 tree,and it is perfect to scale at this point in time

I am looking forward to seeing more cones in the future, this is a first for me in all the years i have be into Bonsai i have never seen a cone on a cedar . More to come on this one