This was in need of a refreshment , i decided to remove the wire a check the fusing of the trunks . It has worked a treat and the added younger plants were fusing well also so i decided to inspect  the roots to see if and when the top could be removed . Bugger me after scratching around in the soil ,  i found a couple of curl grubs happily feasting on the new roots . With no time to waste a contacted a pest control Manufacturer,  only to find their product had no Guarantee in pots . So the decision was made to severe the top off and do an emergency repot as an aerial repot was far too difficult . After removing the layer and the contaminate soil i was amazed at the vigorous roots unaffected by the grubs , numerous little bugger were found however they were only just starting to grow .I soaked the base for an hour or two hoping to drown the horrors  , then potted my new tree into a large bonsai pot using Scoria and Mycorrhizae retrieved form the original pots . This bacteria aids root growth and water distribution around the root-ball .Potted up and ready for a new start ,4 guide wires were placed onto the trunk to stabilize the tree, i dont want this one blowing over in the wind . Now all i had to do was to severe the few inarch grafts that tied  these trunks together and all the original trees would be independant again .  These are ready for another set of layers and graft to advance them further as per the trunk already set with layers and inarch grafts With the apex removed i did set another fuse/inarch graft to my  new tree . Cheers and Happy Bonsai.Alpineart

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